Friday, August 25, 2017

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions - The Racist Confederate In Charge Of Enforcing Law

I am told that after I posted what I did yesterday about the effort of the racist, Republicans to reinstitute an updated version of the slave-favoring provisions of the Constitution, that even the conservative PBS News Hour did a segment about Jeff Sessions, as Attorney General trying to suppress the votes of the same people I mentioned, though they didn't specify who.   They noted that he's promoting voter suppression even as he tries to nullify the various equality provisions of the law through ending action by the Department of Justice against discrimination.   He's doing that as both a part of the neo-Confederate strategy to reimpose as much of Jim Crow as they can, to both use racism as a means of gaining power through appealing to white racists and those who have been taught paranoia through the media.  And it's hardly confined to the South, as I mentioned many states which were once proud of their part in the Union side of the Civil War are now some of the worst in the effort to nullify the rights of Black People and others, foremost, voting rights.

The falsification of our history, turning it into false slogans and fiction does have real life consequences.  You will know the truth and the truth will make you free has an unstated corollary that if you buy the lie, it will enslave you, it will turn you into a tool to use against yourself by whoever sold you the lie.  Virtually everything said about the American Constitution and the men who wrote it is such a lie, including the real life reality of the Bill of Rights which has enabled the telling of those lies more than it has worked to defeat them.   The recent Broadway induced mania of founders fetishism has not helped anything.   It lied Hamilton into an anti-slavery hero when he was one of the worst of the Northerners who were such chumps for those slavery enhancing provisions of the Constitution - one of which gave us Trump as it gave us Bush II and issued in Jim Crow and, all along, gave superior representation to slave owners, counting those slaves to increase the power of the pro-slavery vote.  He along with the sleazy James Madison and John Jay wrote most of the propaganda that got the corrupt Constitution adopted.  We are still living with what they wrought today, if the slave power enhancement of the Electoral College were not still here Bush II wouldn't have happened, the Trump regime wouldn't have happened and Alito, Roberts and Gorsuch would not be on the Supreme Court. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions would not be reviving Jim Crow from the Department of "Justice".  Trump would likely have been the one to bring his reality show into cancellation.  

Paul Finkleman's short editorial,  The Monster of Monticello is well worth reading as are his other writings.  Taking down the lying statues of Confederate generals and politicians is a worthless exercise if the lies told about the founders of the slave power are still believed.  Those are more dangerous, by far.   Equality will never be gained and secured while their governmental structure enhancing inequality and exploitation are in place.  Those are the instruments that are being used to dismantle the progress that was made even as they were the ones that hampered that progress to start with.  Depending on the Supreme Court and the Bill of Rights as a corrective is hardly dependable or a good idea. 

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