Thursday, July 20, 2017

Another Short Play

Lefty Atheist:  If you don't stop pouring carbon into the atmosphere [destroying the ozone layer,  dumping brain damaging chemicals into the environment, etc.] it will cause a disaster, maybe the extinction of all life on Earth.

Billionaire Atheist Sociopath:  It will cost me millions to do that.

LA:  But it might lead to the end of all life on Earth [cause unimaginable damage, pain and suffering, etc.] if you don't do that.

BAS:  Might.  And even if it does, why should I care?

LA:  But it will end the human species, maybe all life on Earth. Everything will be dead. 

BAS:  I'll be dead by then.  Why should I care?

LA:  But... but.... but...

1 comment:

  1. ACT II:

    LA: Is this a sequel to one of those OZ books? Because if the straw man you're trying to make out of atheists was any more fully stuffed he'd have to go to the Emerald City and ask the Wizard for a brain. Of course, he'd have to stand behind you on line.


