Sunday, March 9, 2025

Wish I'd Said That First - Comment from another place


4 hours ago

If Donald Trump doesn't insult your intelligence, It's because you don't have any!

"I cannot tell a lie" - George Washington

"I cannot tell the truth" - Donald Trump

"I cannot tell the difference" - MAGA


  1. "Wish I'd Said That First"

    Jeebus, English really is your second language.

    Earth to Sparky -- the expression is simply "Wish I'd Said That". The "first" is implied, and if you use it (as you do constantly) it's redundant. 😎

    1. Oh, Simps. I can understand why you'd object to that since pretty much anything like a bon mot that comes out of you someone else said, FIRST.
      The title isn't an "expression" it's a sentence. I wasn't quoting Oscar Wilde, if that's what you're referring to. Though I'll reference Whistler, You will, Simps, you will.
