Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Law Is, In Fact, An Ass

WHILE BIRD FLU rages and the price of eggs goes up and up and disappear from store shelves, the U. of Texas at Austin Law idiot gangster-lawyer Sec. of Ag  Brooke Rollins says people should start keeping laying hens, AS IF THOSE LAYING HENS WOULD NOT MAKE THE BIRD FLU SITUATION EVEN MORE DANGEROUS THAN IT IS RIGHT NOW.  One of the major dangers of such herd animal viruses is that, like Covid-19, they will jump into the human population through exposure to infected animals, many such jumps happening in mass duck and hen and pig operations. 

One of the reasons that eggs and poultry are disappearing IS THAT BIRD FARMS ARE BEING WIPED OUT BY BIRD FLU.  Apparently the incumbent lawyer-Ag Sec. isn't aware of that.  This law-school-retarded ass seems to think that wouldn't happen to the half-dozen that some MAGA dolt who never kept hens before decided to try keeping - I pity the poor birds,  I've seen what happens when beginners without any knowledge try to keep farm animals.   Cleaning their coops is generally the weakest link, though regular feeding and watering isn't far behind.  The living ones might well envy the dead. 

Some experienced farmers and gardeners I know who have kept hens for decades have stopped because they know it's dangerous to keep them,  though other I know who are idiots don't seem to be any smarter than Lawyer Rollins.  Many farmers are, in fact, idiots.  

I have to say, until this year, following on listening to them for the past eight years, I never had really realized how removed from reality lawyers, in general, are and how phony and artificial and unattached from reality their subject is.   I think we have entirely too many lawyers in government, now.  I'd think maybe a ceiling of a low percent of lawyers allowed in the government would be a good idea.   NO LAWYER SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HEAD A DEPARTMENT THAT HAS TO DO WITH REAL LIFE INSTEAD OF THE MAKE-BELIEVE THAT THE LAW IS.    Look at Little Bobby at Health and Human Services for another excellent example of the ass that the law is. 

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