IN MY NIGHTMARES WHICH ARE ALL I HAVE, the idea comes that the best we might hope for is a military coup to get rid of Musk-Trump-Thiel-Vance and the raft of Russian agents who are running the U.S. government. It's clear that our Constitution has failed, catastrophically. When you hear this or that MSNBC lawyer give those empty warnings of a pending Constitutional crisis you should realize that is just a symptom of how that profession disconnects its best and brightest from reality.
THE TRUTH IS WE HAVE BEEN IN A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS SINCE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE PUT DONALD TRUMP IN THE PRESIDENCY IN 2016. It was a crisis tthe groundwork of which was laid sixty-one years ago with the Supreme Court interpretation of the First Amendment which allows the media to lie with impunity (Trump is a creation of such allowed lies), its arming of a Republican-fascist militia which is nothing like "well regulated" by its interpretation of the Second Amendment , it's gutting of parts of the Constitution such as the 14th Amendment which bans a Trump from office, the Roberts Court legalization of political corruption - buying the action of members of Congress, the executive on the buy now-pay later plan (it already has OKed the billionaires doing that at the Court) - its imposition of that Ivy League Law wet dream, unitary-executive fascism has been an ongoing and extreme FRIGGIN' CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS that has been going on for years.
I realize just how bad things are now that I am contemplating the merely possibly, hardly likely possibility of a military coup by actual, informed, patriotic UNCORRUPT military officers as a means of relieving us of Trump sooner than the disastrous fixed-term presidential system or him choking on a big-mac will - it being a complete certainty that even if Democrats by some miracle were to win every seat up in the mid-terms, overcoming Republican rigging and ratfucking and Elon's Starlink to do so, that they won't remove Trump by the Constitutional fiction of impeachment and conviction by an unachievable super-majority in the corrupt Senate and if they did that would only replace Putin's and Elon's bitch with Thiel's bitch, Vance. I think I now understand why a man I held as a hero, the journalist Jacobo Timmerman in desperation briefly welcomed a coup which removed one of Argentina's series of corrupt governments. One thing which I feel confirmed in believing is that as opposed to legitimate egalitarian democracy, liberal democracy is only one of many degrees of gangster governance, which all other forms of government are to one degree or another.
In the quasi-fantasy of what a "good" military-coup might be, and it is as unrealistic a fantasy as the one that the MSNBC style lawyers have about our Constitutional system, I hope they suspend the blatant Constitutional idiocy of the definition of treason to hold that what the Trump regime is doing, and I mean all of the officially Senate confirmed traitors but, also, those working for Trump and the Republican-fascist party in general are all guilty of treason. Being opposed to capital punishment I can't favor their execution though if anyone has deserved execution it is those who knowingly take actions that will risk or lead to the deaths of many hundreds, thousands, millions of People for money and the power it buys, the real answer to what motivates Trump, Vance, Musk and Thiel. I doubt that there would ever be such a thing as a military dictatorship that didn't include execution, but we are talking my sleepless-night fantasies right now.
The fact is that the U.S. Constitution's definition of treason is ridiculously difficult to meet. What Elon and his incel-boy army are doing should fall well within a reasonable definition of treason as should that of everyone from Trump to the names of the lower level hacks hired to corrupt and ratfuck the government on Musk's and Trump's and, ultimately Putin's behalf. And what the worst of them should get is life in prison with no possibility of parole at the very least. They should all lose their citizenship and be reduced to resident alien with police monitoring for those who are allowed to be released after serving their terms. They are of our indigenous criminal class. They are the one class from whom birthright citizenship should be abolished. They should become the aliens they hate.
The incredibly stupid structuring of the pardon power (if such an absurdly truncated law can be held to have a structure) is a major means of corruption and has been since George H.W. Bush pardoned the likes of Caspar Weinberger so that an indicted former Secretary of Defense wouldn't throw Bush I under the bus because he had the dirt on him. I am sure that every member of Trump's treasonous gang expects and has likely been promised a blanket pardon which the treasonous Roberts Court will certainly uphold, probably with the votes of any remaining Democratic appointees due to the supreme idiocy of our Constitution. The lawyer racket and, especially its senior ranks in judges and "justices" are in the business of pretending that blatant corruption isn't corrupt, that there are rights to do the most obviously wrong things, that the most harmful evil is good because of what they say the goddamned Constitution says being the real law of the land.
In my fantasy of idealistic-realistic, uncorrupted and patriotic military officers taking control, I would hope they hold the mass media, broadcast, cabloid, social-diseased-social-media responsible for their role in this treason And that should include the entertainment division because it is what has given us both the TV "reality" star, the Trump his supporters believe he is and the previous record holder in presidential corruption, Ronald Reagan. America was rotted through its mass media, TV, hate-talk-shock-jock radio, Hollywood fascist chic and racism, and the social-disease-social-media (SDSM). In my highest fantasy anything that attacks equality, reality, the truth, real democracy should be banned, its spreading punished by immediate dispossession of whatever means held to spread such democracy destroying speech.
It is supremely idiotic that it is held that the corrupt, actual government we have had, including legalized then de facto slavery, genocide and land theft, the grinding inequality and economic injustice that has been the law of the land should be protected from those who would overturn it but that an actual egalitarian democracy which attempts to provide everything of good governance that the founding documents of this country reneged on should forever be vulnerable to the very same forces that have destroyed anything and everything good we have managed to wrest from the Constitutional order.
Among the traitors I would include such idiots as the "free-speech-press" lawyering ones at such as the ACLU in that because they have been as effective in sandbagging egalitarian democracy as Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk (by the way, I'd do something to make the deportation with expropriation of such poisonous aliens a regular thing till all of that shit is out of the bowels of the country). In their case, stripping them of their law licenses with a lifetime ban on having anything to do with the law should be the price, including banning putting them on the media as "experts." I think that that may happen under what their "free speech-press" advocacy has wrought as Musk-Trump fascism proceeds and even as the out of control Roberts Court rips up the law books which they learned in the rinky-dink Confucian lore which is the sum total of their erudition. So many of them have a permanent deer in the headlights look to them, now.
But I am not hopeful that any such military coup is possible or that, if one happened, it will produce anything but a bad government, though I doubt it will be one as bad as we have had for over one month into a 48 month nightmare.
One thing I am ever more certain of is that the United States we had till the minute President Biden left office will never come back. He was the last genuine American president under what seemed like a secure order of government.
The corruptions and poisons that gained strength starting with the white-supremacist-oligarch reaction to the high-point of egalitarian democracy in America, the Voting Rights-Civil Rights Acts, the Great Society programs of LBJ, what led to Lewis Powell's 1971 blueprint for turning the country into the oligarchy that it has become - the power of that reaction enhanced by the Warren Court loosening the corporate media to lie about Democratic politicians with impunity and the Berger Court giving billionaires billions of times more speech, building on the Warren Courts idiocy have all matured and still the TV lawyers are talking as if what has happened hasn't happened.
There is no going back to how it was if for no other reasons that the Supreme Court mechanisms that led us here are still there and will still be there till a. those are removed by impossible to achieve Constitutional amendments (as that is now) and b. the Marbury powers that the Supreme Court created extra-Constitutionally have not been removed from that corrupt body so they would just recreate them no matter what the Constitution says. I never in my entire adult life would ever think I'd entertain the idea but I think the Brits' unwritten Constitution might be less dangerous than our written one, though there are modern Constitutions that learned from the history we have not and wrote better ones than we have. Our Constitution is an 18th century idiot that learns nothing from experience except how to make things worse.
These are just some ideas after yet another sleepless night. I hope Canada, Europe and other aspiring democracies learn the hard lessons that we are incapable of learning, I hope they protect themselves from the corruptions of American media, especially Hollywood. I saw some postings yesterday about the mockery of Trump at the Oscars, which is like spitting into the winds of a thermonuclear explosion. I'm sure it made them feel virtuous. I'm sure it entertained for a second. I didn't bother watching it. I can't forget Colbert's "old Biden" shtick. I can't watch him anymore.
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