Saturday, March 8, 2025

Republicans Favor Mentally Deficient and Criminal White Men Over The Most Competent People of Color And Women

TRANS-GENDER MICE is something I'd heard that the mentally and morally retarded Trump said in his State of Trump Dementia the other night but in the fire hose worth of lies and insanity that comes from Trump and his boss,  Musk and Musk's incel-boy army I'd missed most of it.  Now I find out that the moron squad saw "trans-" and thought it meant "trans-gender" and not "trans-genic" and obviously these geniuses don't know the difference, neither do the idiots who wrote Trump's information and sent it up the chain to his teleprompter or the cartoons that are part of his daily briefing material.   

The entire squad of anti-DEI "excellence" are that stupid and the entire Republican-fascist caucus, including those with actual careers in medicine and other sciency areas of life are entirely OK with that.  SO ARE THE TECH BRO BILLIONAIRES, SO ARE THE BIG BRAINS OF THE LAWYER LIAR COMPLEX, THE SUPREME COURT MAJORITY, AS WELL.   You clearly don't have to be scientifically competent or even literate to be a "tech genius"  which leads me to think that category has the same meaning as the scientific competence of Dr. Elena CeauČ™escu whose prolific career as a figure of science, not to mention her doctoral credentials, was a total fiction based on her marriage to the dictator of Romania.  

I suspect it's the fact that you can be graduated from high school and even college without learning how to read especially in the STEM subjects.  Especially if you are a rich, white, boy or girl.   It's clear and has been clear for literally centuries that you could get "educational" credentials from elite preps and even the non-minor Ivy League level schools while being functionally illiterate, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE WEALTHY AND WHITE AND, ESPECIALLY IN THAT IF YOU ARE ALSO MALE.  

Trump, an elite prep-scool, Ivy product,  is the stupidest person to have ever been elected president and, as is becoming clear even to his fanboys and gals that Elon Musk isn't only extremely stupid, he also can't read much and his incel-boy geniuses who have been given power over the most extremely competent People, even the white male ones in the civil service but in the Trump appointees that the Republican-fascist Senate have nominally put in charge are illiterate and extremely stupid as well.   

Among the most enormous ironies of this white-supremacist regime is that it is the biggest demonstration that the entire basis of white supremacy and male supremacy are not only wrong, it is  certainly the most wrong superstition in the history of the western world.  White people, especially rich white-males who are born to wealth but, also many who rise to wealth and power are probably one of the stupider identifiable groups of human beings there are.    If experience and observation were anything to go on instead of racism and media driven stereotyping,  rich white males would be the group who arouse THE MOST SKEPTICISM when it comes to giving them employment, especially in positions of power and responsibility.    The previous stupidest presidents in living memory,  Reagan and Bush II are eclipsed by Trump.   And it should never be forgotten that all of them derived their biggest bases of support from white men,  especially white men with large incomes and college credentials.  

The civil service that arose under DEI is entirely more competent and excellent than the white-supremacist Trump regime and there is no denying that the white supremacists,  the gals as well as the guys among them are the worst government we have had in living memory,  likely the worst we have had, including the most repulsively incompetent ones of the 19th century and the most corrupt and incompetent of the 20th century,  ALL OF THOSE,  HARDING, COOLIDGE, HOOVER, REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS.

Consider that last list, the ones who brought us the Great Depression,  add to that the Nixon and Reagan and Bush I administrations which were among the most criminal administrations in our history and Bush II which brought us the Great Recession and Trump I and a definite pattern is established. 

White supremacists, our indigenous racists are the most costly, least productive minority group in our history.   The only arguably as costly group are the corrupt millionaires and billionaires who, in the "Southern strategy" actively planned on harnessing the racists to get power and steal everything.   The two add up to the Republican Party, the party of criminality, the party of incompetence and proven economic incompetence (it's hard to make an economy dedicated to enriching the rich work for everyone else) AND THE PARTY OF THE OWNERS AND CONTROLLERS OF THE GODDAMNED "FREE PRESS," AND HOLLYWOOD AND THE TV INDUSTRY.    The ones who have turned Americans into either blithering idiots or the rest of us helpless to protect ourselves from them UNDER THE CONSTITUTION AND THE SO-CALLED " RULE OF LAW."  

I just felt like pointing that out again.   I could go into the moral atrocities of the alleged Christian churches and I dearly want to attack the media bishop the putrid and now idolatrous Robert Barron but I'm still feeling weak, though the fever is gone.   Maybe later today. 

I'll post this after one read-through because if I don't post it as it is now I won't get around to posting it. 

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