Thursday, March 6, 2025

Been Running A Fever Again, Was Told To Rest

ABOUT THE ONLY up-side I can see to Trump II is that it has exposed just how many white-collar-criminal,  ideological nutcase fascists,  Ivy-League level lawyer-liars on the make,  inhabit the Republican Party, the Republican-fascist-corporate whore houses called "think tanks" and elite law circles.  

I hope someone is keeping track of all of them because there isn't one of them - including those who have already quit, they say on principle, I say because they know that the shit that has hit the fan is going to bury them if the fascists don't succeed - there isn't one of them who shouldn't be investigated, indicted as possible, imprisoned if convicted and even if they aren't they should be kept from power and positions of influence for the rest of their lives.

I'll have more to say about that soon. 

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