Saturday, February 8, 2025

Field Invasion? Neo-Nazi Name Says What?

HAD ANOTHER SLIP ON THE ICE and fractured a bone and and re-tore my rotator cuff that I tore about thirteen years ago, funny how I couldn't exactly remember that event until my shoulder reminded me of it, so much for "brain only" nonsense.  Odd how I don't seem to remember to put on my crampons, even after that.

In the deep dive into unread comments I find this from the neo-Nazi who trolls me.

Vandiemenlander commented on "Keeping Track Of Who Credentialed The Criminals"
2 days ago
Isn't it funny a misogynist like Trump was the president to stand up for woman athletes not having their fields and courts intruded upon by men with odd sexual fetishes?

You guys must like the GOP being in charge because if you keep acting like Trump's position is the fringe, minority one.

OK, I'll argue it in your terms of numbers because arguing on abstract principle when it's a real matter of real life actually distorts things to the detriment of equality and justice. 

It was a few weeks back when the Republican ex-governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker present head of the NCAA was asked how many female trans-athletes there were in college athletics and he said fewer than ten.  Republican-fascist politics and media run off of the hate and fear of their ignorant suckers, the theme I've been featuring lately.  Whipping the ignorant and gullible into voting against their interests through the fascist media, led by that sub sewer source, FOX Lies on entirely imaginary crises such as "DEI" "caravans" etc.   It's generally something dreamed up in what I am certain is a soc-sci-media-pro operation to find out how to lie about whatever minority group to the greatest media and electoral effect and it works for them over and over again until their real goals cause a total collapse as they did during Trump I, during Bush II, Bush I and before that in reaction to Watergate.   See my many posts on the disaster "free speech-press" has been for egalitarian democracy and moral decency.

Anyone who reads me knows that I don't have a particularly high opinion of organized sports - they violate several of the most important Commandments of Christ, the Golden Rule first and foremost - and are generally anti-intellectual and are inherently mean spirited.   like a number of the arts and other pass-times, they are generally not terribly important, certainly not in terms of the public good.  I certainly am opposed to sports as a profit-making racket, of which college sports is one of the more corrupt ones to the ruination of American education.  

As a public and political issue,  I don't think that the very, very few trans-people whose major presence in public life is their wanting to participate in Womens' sports comprise a major issue for LGBTQ+ People in our many millions anymore than I would mistake the millionaire pro athletes of Color as representative of the most important interests of the generally subjugated and discriminated against members of those groups in their many millions.   Or the larger but still small numbers of Women and minority groups who have, comparatively, "made it" in our anti-egalitarian country and who make common cause with the oppressors of Women and minority groups out of their personal, financial interest.  I was never especially interested in the issue of such high climbers reaching the tops of corporations because the many, many thousands and millions who wouldn't even get close to a promotion or a living wage is what's really important.  Guess what, they don't, once they achieve board-member or CEO status do much if anything for Women or minority members in general.   The rich are like that.   Something that you'd think poor-white men would have realized by now if they weren't distracted by the distractions of racism and misogyny that they're fed by the corporate media.

The NCAA, being a generally conservative group of financially interested opportunists feeding off of the bodies of young athletes in what is supposed to be an educational system have caved to Trumpzi-Republican-fascist pressure in regard to the fewer than ten college atheletes that Charlie Baker was questioned about.  If they thought it was in their interest they'd go back to 1910s era racial discrimination as their policy, though the pro-sports industry they service would probably think that would be unprofitable for them.  I AM NOT, BY THE WAY, HOLDING MY BREATH THAT NFL PLAYERS OF COLOR AND THEIR WHITE ALLIES WILL BE PROTESTING THE NFL FOLDING TO TRUMP ON ENDING RACISM ON THE FIELD IN FRONT OF THE TV CAMERAS during America's pagan high holy day.  If those millionaires surprise me, I'll be the first to say I was wrong. 

I, of course, support Trans-rights as I do the rights of any other beleaguered minority group but I am a realist, a realist who knows not every worthy fight is worth the cost of fighting it.   Compared to the issue of Transwomen, especially Transwomen of Color being victims of one of the highest murder rates in the country,  fewer than ten Transwomen who want to play college sports, an entirely voluntary participation in what is at best a pass-time, is not worth expending political resources on.  Imagine it's a checkers tournament instead of a field-sport and you'll see what I mean, and I like playing checkers.  It's like those stupid and costly annual brawls over erecting manger scenes on public property which were of minor interest to a few non-Christians AND THE LEGAL INDUSTRY THAT PROFITED OFF OF IT BEING AN ISSUE but which wasn't worth a comma in the text of a law advancing equality for those of minority religious beliefs. 

As for Trump, he has exactly two uses for women.  Either they have lots of money like the putrid Linda McMahon or the even more putrid Miriam Adelson and, the complete transactional operator he is, he wants some of it, or he wants sex from them.  That's it, including, by his own Freudian revelation, his own daughter.   His attitude towards Women is known by his own words and actions,  in the infamous Access Hollywood bragging about his sex crimes against Women to the sexual assault he is fully adjudicated as having committed against a Woman he repeatedly slanders, a women he mistook on the stand as his second wife under oath. 

I am beginning to warm to the study of your repeated neo-Nazi, stupid-Hitler worshiping ravings by a college-credentialed,  I would bet, college employed nut-case.  I am fascinated by how, under our athletics led university and college system, such detachment from reality flourishes right within the employees of it.   Perhaps when my shoulder heals I'll be able to do the research and writing.

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