Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Newfangled Four • The Barbershop Cliché


I'm told I have no sense of humor and lead a joyless life.  

I can live with that. 


  1. Definition of irony: Posting something so painfully, lamely unfunny to try to demonstrate you have a sense of humor.

    Seriously, Sparky -- you would have been much better off posting one of your pathetic limericks.

    Also, in case you didn't know it, the sexist dig about my girlfriend kinda proves you're a pig. You might want to get that looked at.

    1. How is me being skeptical that your girlfriend is having much good sex because of you sexist and a dig against her? MY REMARK WAS ABOUT YOU, BUNKY. If anything, I felt sorry for her.
      You obviously don't know irony when you it stands in front of you, with choreography and four part harmony.
      When I was in college there was a jerk who was my next-door neighbor. A College Republican. He was always trying to get me to go to parties with him, when I uniformly refused he said, You know what they say, all work and no play makes Tony a dull boy. I didn't take the opportunity to correct him about my name but I did say I didn't care if I was boring. And that's when I was a kid, I care less now.
      I was tempted to answer your speculation about my lack of a sex life with what Flo Kennedy said when someone like you asked her if she was a lesbian, "Are you the alternative?"

  2. "How is me being skeptical that your girlfriend is having much good sex because of you sexist and a dig against her?"

    As they used to say in the old Listerine bad breath commercials: "Even your best friends won't tell you." Of course, you don't have any best friends. 😎

    1. What you really mean is that you can't answer that. You'd have to face the fact that the prospect of anyone wanting to have sex with you is far fetched, at this point. I don't feel anything but pity for anyone who feels obligated to.
      You know what I was also tempted to point out? That your claims about my personal life are not different in kind than the ones that J. D. Vance has made about Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigeig and others. But, then, I've noted before that your relationship with the truth is close to Trump's.
