Friday, July 5, 2024

President Biden Must Put The Court On Trial

THERE ARE NO "JUDICIAL NORMS" now that the Roberts' Republican-fascists have abolished rule by law and not their preferred man, though those trained in that lore will be the last to understand that.   FROM HERE ON IN, SAVING DEMOCRACY WILL DEPEND ON THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY, THE LEGITIMATE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.

The Department of Justice should open an investigation into contacts between members of the Supreme Court, those involved in Project 25, the Heritage Foundation and other seditious groups planning the coup against democracy that the Supreme Court set in motion with their ruling giving Donald Trump and all future Republican-fascist presidents retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution.  They should include any legal scholars who promote the anti-democratic unitary executive theory of the presidency.   If Merrick Garland is too squeamish to do it, with the new powers granted to him by the Supreme Court, President Biden should order them to do it and oversee that it is done with rapidity and diligence, subpoenaing the "justices" and the fascist seditionists to comply on pain of imprisonment.  He is obliged as part of his official duties to protect and defend the Constitution and they are clearly bent on destroying it, they could hardly try to remove that power from President Biden which they just gave to Trump.  He should not rely on an Ivy League trained lawyer to oversee any such investigation, I think an honest and diligent historian with a record of supporting egalitarian democracy would be an entirely better bet.  

The epic election to rescue us from dictatorship will have to be fought not only against King Trump I but also against the Trump Court under Roberts and the rest of the king-making majority of that Court.  The Court should be put on trial by The People, the only possible means of defeating them under our dangerously structured government which has put the Court above any real restraint, impeachment of those on that level being, for every practical and so real purpose, a fiction.  Questioning his motives for doing that, definitively put outside of any legal consideration by the Roberts Court fascists.  Everything they have done, starting with nationalizing the bodies of Women in the overturn of Roe should be used to defeat Republican-fascists at every level.  As a life-long Mainer, I'd love to see Susan Collins harried into resignation over her role in this, both in the overturn of Roe and in the killing of the American republic in favor of Trumpian dictatorship.  I'd love to see the complicit Jared Golden forced away from it, though I have little to no faith in the Second District in my state.  He will cross the isle after November if he's not succeeded by a Republican-fascist.  I wouldn't be surprised if some others of those who tried to foment a challenge to Nancy Pelosi do as well.  American democracy is hanging by a thread.

The investigation of Supreme Court sedition would certainly fall within the powers of the president they gave Donald Trump.  The Biden administration could certainly collect any evidence they want and they could release that to the public without having to worry about it being illegal, that is if President Biden authorized it.  He is sworn to uphold and defend the law of the land and the Constitution and he should do it before the Roberts Courts seditionists make a ruling saying they, as well, are exempt from criminal prosecution, that is before they formally do what they have done on a de facto basis in refusing to do anything about Thomas and Alito's blatant corruption and breaking of laws requiring them to recuse from just such cases on the basis of their known connections to and blatant support of the Trump putsch of January 2021.  

We need to have the evidence that they have done what they did as part of the clear plan of the Project 25 fascists to destroy American democracy and they need to be exposed before the election.  

It was and still is widely believed that the Taney Court, in writing the Dred Scott decision which removed legal personhood from all Black People and attempted to extend slavery into all of the states and territories, even those which had abolished slaveryl  They colluded with the incoming Bucanan administration and, I'd suspect that of that other slimy presidency of Pierce.  Bucanan mentioned its substance in a speech before it was issued, clearly leaked to him as Alito leaked the draft opinion in the overturning of Roe v Wade.  There was, likely direct contacts between Buchanan and his fellow Pennsylvanian on the court who was a concurring "justice" agreeing to do that.  It's as clear that the Roberts Court is coordinating with Trump and with the afforenamed and unnamed fascist seditionists in what they did this term to lay the groundwork for not only anti-democratic but clearly and plainly unconstitutional dictatorship.  They effectively nullified several sections of the Constitution that clearly, plainly and with the record of the very Federalist Paper that Kavanaugh and others cited during their confirmation hearings refutes their claim that a president is immune from criminal prosecution for law breaking EVEN WHEN THAT FALLS WITHIN THE AREAS OF ENNUMERATED PRESIDENTIAL POWER.  

What the Roberts Court did in its granting of the privilege to Donald Trump to commit the gravest of felonies imaginable, to make his style of financial corruption legal in another case and numerous other ways puts those six Republican-fascists on the Court in the same category as the Taney Court.  In doing that they also grab for themselves unprecedented powers to act legislatively without the processes of a legitimate legislative branch and without the protections of having to face the voters and to be easily overturned by subsequent Congresses.  It is clear from the Thomas, Alito and Roberts family scandals which were revealed and for which there is no process for ending that they may well have had themselves in mind when they legalized bribes in their ruling on that.  Even the Taney Court was not so boldy and baldly corrupt as the Roberts Court is. That is unless you take the fact that so many of the "justices" ruling on matters regarding slaverly were slave-holders, themselves, going back to Marshall who was among the most corrupt of all of them in that regard.  NOT that that does anything to his reputation among the weird, amoral secular-theologians of legal scholarship.  The amorality of the legal profession is and always should have been a warning of those tendencies among the lawyers who would, inevitably, comprise  almost everyone elevated to the Supreme Court.  The legal profession and its pay scale and its means of determining merit being based on service to oligarchs and the filthy rich is another thing that should always put those who value equality and democracy above Mammon on their guard in regard to it.  Even the best and brightest of them, such as "justice" Brown Jackson are vulnerable to the norms of legal lore when they do things like nullify provisions of the 14th Amendment which would have saved us from King Trump in clear contradiction to the letter of the law AND THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF ITS ADOPTION.   

They also have to be exposed fully as what I said Roberts and Alito were in 2006, guilty of perjury during their confirmation hearings.  All six of them are rightly suspected of lying during their confirmations, they certainly did when they took the oaths of office required of Supreme Court "justices" because they have attacked and overturned provisions of the Constitution and the law they are required to administer.  And all of the evidence of that must be released to the public because if we are to protect a nation of laws and not of black robed, soft-handed insurrectionists, mob lawyers, those reluctant to believe that's what they are have to be shown that evidence.  Any formal trial of them will happen in the Congress where the rules allegedly in place in the courts don't apply, and that's not where the actual trial of them will have to take place, first, in the court of the judgment of The People.

We really should strip the members of that court of that cynically dishonest title, "justice" because that court is notable for its long history of providing injustice.  It is more sordid than the Congress and always has been.  Relying on those lawyers who specialize in Court history to write the lore of that court is a mistake because, other  than a few determinedly honest ones who research the primary documentary evidence, like Paul Finkleman, they have little honesty and willingness to tell the truth about them.  The lore of John Marshall and others such as Joseph Storey are generally passed on as if the evil they did doesn't matter, and as so much of the evil they do are to Black People, Native Americas, members of other minority groups, the working poor and destitute, in short, People unlike the affluent scribblers of such lore written for others of their class to read and hear, it is a crazy quilt of lies and half-truths which are, in fact, lies.  Like so much of the "history" that is promoted in the popular press and media, it serves oligarchy and affluence and, now, blatant despotism.  From the first House hearings into Donald Trump's attempt to blackmail the President of Ukraine to slander Joe Biden as part of his campaign in 2020, seeing how it was so unexpectedly the diplomats and military officers who stepped up and testified fully and honestly, at cost to themselves, on Trump's crimes and how it was the lawyers who almost uniformly testified so as to cover their asses, seeing the subsequent antics of the judges, the masterful use by Trump and his lawyers of "the law's delay" to get away with it, I have had an ever lowering opinion of the legal profession and the judicial branches at the federal level and the several states in which that has played out by not playing out.  

Longtime readers of what I post here will know I've been warning about the corruption of the Supreme Court all along.   Cleaning up that nearly two-hundred fifty year accumulation of filth will take radical action, and given the professional habits and lore of that profession, it will likely take lifetimes and rigorous academic training to clean up the lawyers trade.   There are lawyers who I do respect and even some judges, though, as mentioned above, even some of the best of them are too thoroughly indoctrinated in the habits of mendacity that are embedded into that profession.  When I hear even some conservative federal judges shocked and stunned at the vileness of the Roberts Court, it's clear that they have just started to realize the consequences of the embedded corruption of the legal profession.  All of what was done to destroy the republic, replacing it with a dictator was done by lawyers with a few Senators outside the profession concurring with that.  They should wear that as much as the Catholic Church should (and does) the Crusades and Inquisition and Marxism its record of evil.  Only, unlike either of those, here and now, what the Court did is the biggest body blow that the American Republic has taken since the Confederate sedition and insurrection.  The Court was all in on that, too,  Taney tried to thwart President Lincolns conduct of the Civil War through the emanations of the Marbury usurpation of Court power.  President Biden or any other President who seeks to protect us from the Court should study what he said and did in that regard and cite him as to why they ignore the Court now.  They should ignore the niceties of legal lore because with what the Court did this term, that's a dead hand on democracy.  

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