Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Gregg Taylor - Black Jack Justice: Two Episodes

Justice Incorporated

Justice's Holiday


Christopher Mott and Andrea Lyons, play Black Jack Justice and Trixie Dixon, girl detective.  

I decided to go with some (relatively aged) oldies but fun episodes of this highly entertaining series this week.  There are very good and clear credits given at the end of each episode so I'll forego typing those out right now.  These two episodes are interconnected and provide approximately 40 minutes of fun.  I'm really impressed with how they do so much to tell a story in 20 minutes.

When I first found these I was really impressed at how the writing and voice acting could carry stories with minimal overhead.   The repetitive, canned music in the background which I'd generally find annoying really works well in these.   I'd think any teacher who was trying to get their students motivated by making a radio drama (well, they probably don't know what a radio is, these days)  I'd have them hear some of these to analyze and learn from. 

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