Friday, November 11, 2022

End The Green Party A Republican-fascist Spoiler Fraud

THE GREEN PARTY is as ridiculous as ever, touting another election season of epic non-achievement.  I haven't reproduced the entire post from their website. But you don't have to see the whole thing to get a sense of their absurdity.

While I wouldn't belittle any person who serves the public in a public office, that is unless their performance deserves it, for a party that pretends to be a national party this is just one more year of entirely unimpressive electoral victories, such as those are.

Green Party Election Report – November 2022 Elections

At least fourteen Greens have been elected in November 2022 elections:
– mayor (1)
– city council (1)
– school board (3), with a fourth in a tie for the last seat, unclear how that will be resolved
– water board (4), with two additional write-in candidates possible winners awaiting vote count
– community services district (1)
– fire protection district (1)
– advisory neighborhood commission (3)

Green incumbents
– Of nine Green incumbents running, seven re-elected, one in a tie for a last seat, one not re-elected

If this means that half of the seven are being returned to office and a grand total of nine Green incumbents were running for reelection, that only underlines the absurdity of the Green Party going on forty years of its existence, enjoying enormous publicity out of all proportion to their record of success.  And it's obvious that is what it means because they're talking about ALL of the elections won by greens in that number.  I wonder how long it will be before we find out if that fourteen "at least" isn't actually that number or one close to it which is actually, "at most."

Winning percentage
– At least 14/28 candidates for local county, city, school and special districts were elected, with results for two write-in candidates still to be determined and one tie (not clear how determined)

So a grand total of 28 candidates?  Across the friggin' country?  More Democrats got elected to offices comparable to those in my town and the towns contiguous to it and this is considered a Republican area of the state.

State-by-state electeds in November 8 elections
– CA (9)
– DC (3)
– ME (1)
– SC (1)

Maine is considered to be a Green stronghold and this.  

And the highest office of those won?

Bruce Delgado, Mayor, Marina, Monterrey County, California (elected incumbent, 2008-to present)
One candidate for one seat.   2636 votes, 100%.  ELECTED

Marina is a city in Monterey County, California, United States. As of the 2020 census, the population was 22,359, not an inconsiderable metropolis but it ain't 312 million people, either.

Can an election in which only one person runs and wins be counted as an electoral victory?  I have no idea why no one else ran for the seat except it would seem the voters in Marina have been returning Bruce Delgado to the mayor's position for a long time now. I'd like to know how many of those who have voted for him have been persuaded to join the mighty Green Party.  If they like the job he's doing, that's good, I guess, though Chuck Grassley won reelection again and he's garbage as well as totally ga-ga.   But you can hardly count the winner of a non-contest as someone who was seriously challenged.  It leaves me wondering - though not hard enough to look for the information - how many of the others of the mighty 14 won uncontested elections.  As you go down the ballot, as most of these positions would be listed, it's not uncommon to find single-candidate "races."  Some of them I would imagine would be the kind of positions that they have a hard time filling.  Even when elected those would more honestly be called "volunteers." I mean, three of them are on "advisory neighborhood commissions".  Or maybe all three of them are on the same one. I'm not familiar with the office so I don't know what to think of it. If their role is merely advisory, that's hardly something that counts as political power.  I don't know what water boards are like in other places but the ones I'm familiar with tend to be kind of a rubber stamp for what the professional managers want.

The Green Party's only real national and almost all of its state-wide election presence has been in spoiling elections for Democrats, putting Republican-fascists in office.  Like the old time lefty parties, a friggin' fraud, every one of them, what they ended up doing was fighting against the one party that had actually done something positive when it could overcome the corporate, millionaire-billionaire serving Republican-fascists.  The Green Party is as much of a fraud as their 2016 presidential candidate, the Putin tool and Trump helper Jill Stein.  You should get a load of their Putin friendly policy on Putin's invasion of Ukraine.  They might achieve a worse position than the reflex, knee-jerk anti-American paranoia of Noam Chomsky these days. 

The dishonest portrayal of developments in Ukraine. Russian aggression is rightfully covered and denounced. However, sole attribution of blame to Russia whitewashes an extended history of inimical US interference in Ukraine, contributing to current hostilities. Additionally, depiction of the Zelensky Government as a democratic force representative of the Ukrainian people and selective coverage of Ukrainian military successes deceitfully engender popular support for the failing strategy of continued military aid. The West proudly lauds its freedom of speech and press. We encourage Western media to make use of this right in accurately and critically covering events in Ukraine.

GPUS calls for cessation of unconditional military aid to Ukraine, lifting of counter-productive sanctions regimes, and initiation of genuine negotiations toward a ceasefire and sustainable peace framework! We implore the Biden Administration to use its position of influence to facilitate peace by encouraging peace talks and engaging with Russia to de-escalate tensions – not to fuel war by further arming Ukraine and prolonging a terrible conflict.

The damned Green Party USA, it is a bunch of congenitally dishonest college-credentialed idiots who couldn't tell their asshole from their platform and who prefer defeat for the proclaimed issues (including peace) to strike these kinds of asinine poses so suit their mutual and competitive self-admiration.

But perhaps at least their tally of election night success is something a little like progress.  I remember when the Green running for Governor of Maine, coming in 4th, even after an unaffiliated independent was celebrated as a victory on their national website.  

If Greens really wanted to do something worthwhile in assistance to progress on the issues they claim to favor, they should dissolve the nearly forty year old fraud and work for candidates who can win elections.  Joe Biden in his two years as president has done more for the progressive agenda than all of the lefty play-parties in the history of such "third parties." Jimmy Carter did.  I'm skeptical of such parties in a parliamentary system, in ours they cannot serve any kind of good.  Though their history proves they can serve the worst and they never seem to learn, I'll bet the assholes run a presidential candidate in 2024.  The Democratically Controlled House and Senate this last session, even under the tyranny of Manchin-Sinema (who was a Green), has done more in that regard than all of them, too.  And never forget the guy who almost killed Paul Pelosi was one as well.  Why would it surprise anyone he'd go from a Green to a Trumpzi? That's what their existence has served more than anything.  I don't trust any Green or anyone who was active in that party.  Not until they prove they deserve it and so few have.

The lefty magazines and websites and shows and podcasts that pretend the Greens are what they claim to be might just be the biggest problem with the whole thing.  I haven't gone to see what sources such as The Nation, In These Times, "Democracy Now!" and the like may or may not have had to say about the Green Party recently but they had a very likely role in pushing the greenwash line to help put Trump in office as they did when George W. Bush was installed by a family-Republican-fascist putsch including the majority of Republicans on the Supreme Court.  

If the lefty media ever learns anything, I haven't seen much of that.  As a radical who does what they don't seem to much care about, want things like an environmentally sustainable life, economic justice, absolute equality and real democracy, I've got a lot less use for it than I used to.  Sometimes I wonder if their leftiness is like the alleged New York Times' "liberal" orientation.  But, then, I really have become entirely skeptical of the secular left, they actually serve one master while pretending to serve the better one, to relate this to my other piece posted today.

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