Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Still Faking A Swivet About The Leak Instead Of The Nationalization of Womens' Bodies

IF THE SUPREME COURT were up to all good, they never would have adopted the pose of judicial secrecy that is so much in the news now that, almost certainly a conservative, associated with the court has leaked a draft opinion, clearly coordinated with right-wing media, The Wall Street Journal and Senate Republican-fascists, leaked a draft opinion bound to be as bad in its effect as the Dred Scott decision, perhaps its nearest historical like. Nothing about the leak to POLITICO! has any benefit to liberals.

The Supreme Court should be required to conduct almost all of its business in public, little to nothing about almost all of its case load has anything like a national security character that requires that.  It is not like a grand-jury which is justifiably conducted under strict secrecy rules until its final decision is made.  It should certainly have more stringent reporting and anti-corruption measures enforced by law and removal - we've got to make a way to do that other than the myth of impeachment - if those are violated.  The Court is and has been for almost all of its history the most corrupt branch of government.

The publications and replication and associated scandals in scientific and so-called scientific research has had a small effect in forcing some measure of transparency in very recent years.  Something similar is clearly necessary in the Supreme Court BECAUSE ITS MEMBERS CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO POLICE THEMSELVES.  Clarence Thomas and his insurrectionist wife should be the last veil covering that raw and putrid power play that lies behind the pose of judicial decorum.

The Supreme Court should be stripped of its robes, its mystique and its legend because that is part and parcel of its evil doing.   It should be legally required to conduct all of its business in public and not behind any kind of a veil of secrecy.   Its legend is as phony as that of the ol' way-est and the Lost Cause and all of the other regional BS that are tools against the common good.

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