Wednesday, May 4, 2022

All Of The Poisons Embedded In The Constitution And Others Placed Their By Supreme Courts Are Reaching Fatal Level

Finally, it is the act itself that matters.  When instrumental reason is is the sole guide to action, the acts it justifies are robbed of their inherent meanings and thus exist in an ethical vacuum. Joseph Weisenbaum

THE EVILS EMBEDDED in the United States Constitution by founder-slavers and founder-financiers at its framing and adoption have never not been something that impinges on the life experience of those who those evils were intended to enslave and oppress, Black People and other People of Color and those whose subjugation was so routine at the time of its adoption that they didn't bother to encode them, Women.   LGBTQ People weren't even thought of, though certainly oppressed by law and custom.

Yesterday I posted about the most notable and scandalous lapses among Christians, "most Christian princes" etc. in ignoring and blatantly violating the teachings of Jesus while professing to believe that he was divine.  Something similar is typical of those who uphold the Constitutional order, especially those whose entire profession, under the obviously badly framed federal government, is allegedly dedicated to it.  Of course I'm talking about the Supreme Court and the judicial system and legal profession which is so largely determined by the Supreme Court.  If there is anything like royalty in the United States, it isn't the executive which embodies it, it is the Supreme Court as it has taken the dangerously vague and expansive powers granted to it by the written Constitution and as it has usurped powers to itself never put into it, by its say so and maintained because the other branches had no power to prune that parasitic growth back.  They could, of course, do that but Democrats, who have a misplaced respect for even that "law," won't do it and Republican-fascists would do it to regularize the kind of Republican-fascist criminality that was pioneered by the Nixon, Reagan and Bush I and II administrations and regime and which went whole hog in the Trump regime.*

Though I doubt he knows I or this platform exists, I felt confirmed in my view of the Constitution and the Supreme Court when I heard the truly honorable Congressman and Constitutional Scholar Jamie Raskin on Rachel Maddow's show characterize the Supreme Court and its sordid history, its role in American history as the foremost tool of wealth and oligarchy and the character of its members as social, economic and legal anti-democratic reactionaries.  

He even noted that that was its history despite the entirely atypical Warren Court.  Over the past several decades, when I pointed out that terrible truth about the Supreme Court. the secularly sainted Warren Court was the chicken-wire and terry-cloth surrogate mommy figure clung to by the college-credentialed liberals who were the audience for what I said.  The number of times I had to point out to them that Earl Warren and his associates were long gone and that even other such idols of the liberal American civic religion, such as Holmes were false demigods would number in the hundreds if not thousands.  

They especially didn't like it when I pointed out that if the Warren Court's civil-libertarian rulings were supposed to enhance equality and egalitarian democracy, subsequent American history proved they have had the opposite effect.  

The highest point of official, federally enacted egalitarian democracy in American history, the early years of the Johnson Administration, sank in their "freedom of the press" attacks on Democrats, Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon won the office he lost before those rulings were made freeing the press to lie with impunity.  The march to today's dangerous situation that risks actual fascism, embodied in Trump but also any time the Republican-fascists gain control of the elected branches - it now has the Court - began with the criminal, Nixon.  It has steadily gotten more dangerous since then.  The Warren Court gave them the key to that in a number of its allegedly liberal rulings.

The dangers of trying to reform the American government through a new Constitution which could beneficially look at the two hundred fifty years in which the novel attempt of the "founders" has repeatedly been proven to not only be inadequate for its intended purpose, and how to correct them but at times disastrously dangerous, are more than matched by the dangers of keeping it as it is.

It was designed to be a vehicle of slavery and subjugation (see first paragraph above) and all sorts of corruption and theft and graft and LIES have not only never been corrected, they have expanded and flourished UNDER THE CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER WITH "THE BILL OF RIGHTS" FOR TWO AND A HALF CENTURIES.  The one great alleged success in its reform took one of the most horrific Civil Wars in modern history.  That, in itself, even if it had worked to really correct it, proves that the Constitution and, especially, the government by judiciary under it, is not a success.   And de jure slavery was succeeded by American apartheid and de facto slavery even with the Civil War Amendments in place, the Supreme Court weaponized those at cross purpose to their adoption and the legislative record of that.

A presidential system is far more dangerous than a prime ministerial system in a republic, though as Boris Johnson's Britain proves, even a prime ministerial form under the reign of Murdocian style lying press,  is not as safe as it should be. Though a lot of that is because the British system has anti-democratic features embedded in it of unequal representation as much as the American one does.  

As Trump and other lesser criminal presidents have proven, the founders imaginary protection against even the most dictatorial of those who manage to get in under our corrupt system of electing a president (the stinking putrid Electoral College), impeachment, is a fairy tale which is not even used to remove corrupt Supreme Court members.  The two which the Democrats got against Trump hardly slowed him down as the Republican-fascist party, AND IT IS NOW UNDENIABLY A FASCIST PARTY, supported him and still, now, out of power and under inadequate investigation for the most serious of crimes, has him as the head of his party.  Of course the anti-democratically constituted Senate will always be the place where impeachment actions against even the most criminal and dangerous of Republican-fascist presidents and unethical Supreme Court Republican-fascist "justices" die.  

And if he does not become their nominee in 2024, some other Trumpian figure, the extremely stupid and morally degenerate governor of Florida, or any one of various others, can be counted on to continue much in the same way as Trump did.

This is the time when all of the evil embedded in the Constitution, weaponized by lawyers, scholars and scribblers in the hire of fascist billionaires FOREIGN AS WELL AS DOMESTIC, thanks to the Supreme Court and the idiots of the American Civil Liberties industry, have come up with the algorithms of instrumental reasoning which, to any supposed democratic American Republic are like prions in the brains of brain eaters.  That's what that "judicial philosophy" so discussed in the recent Supreme Court nomination hearings were. That is what was bound to happen in American government, under the written Constitution from the late 18th century under the operation of Supreme Courts and their sometimes-thing of precedent.  Such Constitutional scholars as Jamie Raskin will point out that no other country allows its Supreme Court to do what ours gave itself the power to do, that evil is one that cannot be blamed on the amateur status of the "founders" it was the creation of the Taney Court when it nullified the Missouri Compromise in the Dred Scott decision to try to cement legal slavery into American law forever and to extend it to the entire country.  

The Roberts Court - which is probably more the Alito Court, in fact - is about to do to Women what the Taney Court did to Black People.  And the same Court has already made some of the most blatant and effective attacks on democracy and the right of The People to vote in the history of the Country, it is hell bent on stripping many people, Black People, other People of Color, Women, LGBTQ, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE NOT RICH of their rights, theirs is more than the mirror image of the Warren Court because their program has the backing of the biggest money in our history and the most blatantly fascist party in our history.  The Republican-fascist Party is the wet dream of the KKK that marched in Washington a century ago, it is the disideratum of the framers of the Confederacy and unlike that time, those with the power and money backing to do it are not confined to a specific region of the country which a concentrated military effort can, at terrible cost, defeat.  

The Warren Court and its short-sighted to idiotic "free speech-press" rulings did, in fact, give the billionaires and multi-millionaire fascists their foremost tool, the ability to lie with impunity, and with the full support and promotion of the media.  Lies have always been a foundtaion of all evil, especially when that evil is a result of malignant governments and courts. If you can lie people into opposing their own interests as well as equality and justice, as a fascist oligarch, you've got it made and the Warren Court and the ACLU gave them that using the inadequate and sacrilized language of the First Amendment.  In an electoral government it is necessary to lie effectively to enough people to put the henchmen of the rich and oligarchic in power and under our appalling anti-democratic Constitution with the anti-democratic Senate and the repeatedly demonstrated evil of the Electoral College, you don't have to get nearly a majority of The People to be suckered.  

Maybe most of all we have to declare, finally, that the 18th century is over, the "enlightenment" was not enlightened, the "founders" were not geniuses or especially virtuous, some of them are were as vile as Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and the rest of the billionaire hoarders of the common wealth.  The "genius" of the "founders" amateur status - uniformed by the two and a half centuries of information gathering and viewing their creation in action since then - is nothing we should tolerate anymore.  We will either get rid of the anti-democratic mechanisms in government they created for evil purposes and those which don't work the way they're supposed to and once and for all remove the self-created powers of government by judiciary which the Supreme Court has steadily used to make those and other evils worse AND DO IT IN THE CONSTITUTION or we are doomed.  The slave power and its modern translation into American apartheid has had two and a half centuries for its henchmen, the lawyers and scholars and media scribblers, to make what they do more effective.  We change that and once and for all remove those or we are doomed.

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