Sunday, November 7, 2021

Reading Plays

I DIDN'T MEAN to demean the experience of reading a play as opposed to seeing or hearing a production of it, yesterday.  My experience of reading a play has frequently been better than seeing a production of one, bad productions being what they are and common.  My experience of reading a play has seldom produced an experience as bad and as far from the authors clear intent as some of the productions I've seen.  

As I once pointed out to a persistent troll, Edward Albee made the same point about the superior experience of reading plays you'll never see or hear produced and even sometimes those that you will get to go to.  Alas, I doubt I'll ever get to see a production of Flesh & Ghost or the complex Drumheller or Dangerous Times but I can read them several times and imagine them.  I've yet to imagine an actor who couldn't play the part unless that was the part. 

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