Monday, November 22, 2021

American Democracy Died From Libertarianism, The Lies Peddled In The Mass Media, The Real Story Of The Libertarian-Secular "Left"

ANYONE WHO HOLDS that Rupert Murdoch and the hundreds of liars he employs should have been allowed to lie in the mass media had that as a right because James Madison and the First Congress were too stupid or dishonest to make a distinction between the absolute right to tell the truth and there being no right to lie, that is as much of the thing that got us into the possible destruction of representative democracy as Rupert Murdoch is.   No matter how much they love to believe otherwise.  What Murdoch did is take advantage of the gaping hole they blew into the moral foundation of egalitarian democracy, far more effective an attack on the United States than the first attack on the World Trade Center Omar Abdel-Rahman plotted.  And they did it with ink on paper, no one getting their fingernails dirty.

I would include the ACLU, Floyd Abrams, Joel Gora and pretty much all of the big names in the "civil liberties" "First Amendment"  law industrial game.   I long thought it was telling that one of the big names of the past in that racket, Ephraim London, filed the lawsuit for that phony goddess of the phony libertarian left, Lillian Hellman that financially ruined Mary McCarthy for telling the truth about Hellman, that she was a huge liar.  That is the real motive of the civil liberties racket, I am convinced it got its biggest start in the early 20th century when the communists realized they'd never be able to win by telling the truth and having so little respect for the intelligence of The People and no use for good will, wanted to be able to lie themselves into power like the Republican-fascists are, using the legal fictions that the play left helped to create.   Though, as I've said, what really opened my eyes was the ACLU campaigning to make "Well, Maybe Again" the law of the land in the Skokie case even as so many of their supporters adopted the phrase "never again.'  Anyone who believes Nazis and Stalinists, Maoists, etc. have a right to get a retry is morally and intellectually depraved.

Of course the lawyers and judges did a lot of it on behalf of the massively profitable movie, TV and porn industries out of a far more obvious motivation of being well rewarded financially for that, which is also the reason I believe the ACLU got the idiot Supreme Court to create ersatz "rights" for the tobacco, liquor, addictive prescription drug and other industries to spread their propaganda in the mass media.  The same reason Ephraim London filed the suit against cousin Mary for telling the truth about what a huge liar that show-biz tart as the goddess of liberty was. 

The 20th century secular left in the United States has a lot more sleaze in its history than it would ever want Hollywood to tell and when it wasn't sleaze it was utter stupidity and irresponsibility.  Getting suckered by the anti-democratic communists was a big part of it, betting conned by the haters of religion an even more fundamental guarantee of that because they never really cared for the moral foundations of egalitarian democracy, lots of them never believed in equality to start with.  We paid a lot for their snobbery.

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