Saturday, November 27, 2021

Don't Know Don't Care Don't Miss It

APPARENTLY the person who used to tell me the lies about me posted at Duncan Black's blog either lost interest, died or . . . otherwise just stopped telling me about it.  I never went there except to document that what I was told was accurate before I answered it here - Duncan blocked me from countering the lies on his blog - so either that is the case or . . . maybe Duncan finally decided to uphold the standards advocated by the legendary Horse of Media Whores Online, his original online mentor?   Something he hasn't done much since he decided to take on the irresponsibility of his style of blog maintenance.   I'd say stranger things have happened but, off hand, I'm having a hard time to identify one.

For me it will certainly cut back on the number of easy posts for me, since I try to never post anything I can't back up I know how to refute the lies told about what I say but I write too much anyway.   It could be fun, at times, I love to mock and tease and the opportunities given me by the Tots of Eschaton for mockery were many and those who provided them so mock-able.  

Since you ask. 


  1. "APPARENTLY the person who used to tell me the lies about me posted at Duncan Black's blog..."

    ...was somebody you made up, so you could lie about not lurking over there, which was transparently obvious to tout le monde.

    In the meantime, and let me say this for the record -- your obsession with atheists as the source of all evil is beyond pathetic. Here's a clue, pal -- the only reasonable response to your 'does god exist and are there more than one universes'? bullshit is "Who knows? And who gives a flying fuck?"

    1. Do the experiment, Stupy, lie about me at Duncan's and see if someone reports to me about it.

      Who gives a flying fuck? Well, nobodies in the world of pop-atheism like Stephen Hawking, Sean Carroll, Lawrence Krauss, Martin Rees, John Maddox, Brian Green, . . . pretty much all the big names in modern atheist cosmology and theoretical physics which seem to be obsessed with making God go away. Then there are the popular promoters of scientistic atheist materialism, If I started listing the ones who have given many a flying fuck without letting a pop-music movie-addled fashion following idiot like you know about it the list would run to the scores, probably well over a hundred in just my casual reading about it. I'm not surprised you and the Tots of Eschaton would be unaware of that till they do another PBS-BBC-Discovery Channel thing about it. You, of course, won't be watching that, watching a rerun of some Hollywood shit or movie musical. I would bet you watch Hallmark Christimas Movies like the old straight-boy nellie queen you are. Has that WSS remake come out yet? I wonder if dear old Sondheim decided to check out before he could see it. He had the artistic judgement to admit there was limited quality to that thing, as I recall he thought it was The Jets Song, though I thought Something's Coming wasn't too bad. You, of course, prefer the other affluent white guy queens involved with that piece of crap to the one first rate talent involved in it.

      You are functionally and voluntarily simple-minded, Simps.

  2. "I would bet you watch Hallmark Christimas Movies like the old straight-boy nellie queen you are. "

    Wow. You're not a bigot. Not even close. :-)

    1. You're addicted to bodice-rippers and sand and sandal movies and claim to be a straight boy. I'll bet you carry used tissues with you and Werther's Originals on you at all times.

    2. Sword and sandal movies, too. Face it, Simps, you're a low brow without any redeeming eccentric qualities.
