Monday, September 6, 2021

Belaboring The Obfuscist

THERE ARE OTHER WAYS but one of the surest ways to know someone is full of crap is when they make recourse to the buzz-words of psychoanalysis and Freudian pseudo-science in general.   Freud was not the first person who proved that the idea of doing science around human minds is an open invitation from everything from violations of basic scientific methods to unintentional fraud to intentional fraud to self-serving lying to blatant lying - AND YOU COULD GET THE LEGAL-JUDICIAL SYSTEM TO ALLOW YOU TO NOT ONLY GET AWAY WITH IT AS "SCIENCE" BUT TO DESTROY PEOPLES' LIVES WITH JUDICIAL APPROVAL.  Judges so often look to such professionals to make their lives easier, their work hours shorter and their ability to do terrible things to people permitted.   Does "James Grigson" ring a bell?

The accusation of "projection" is one of the funniest ones because there is literally nothing that anyone can say which someone cannot dismiss using that idea.  I suspect someone said to Sigmund 'you're full of shit" though perhaps more politely and Sigmund, the total fraud that he was, turned it around and came up with a term to pathologize someone seeing him for the fraud he was.   It is certainly easy to see how useful that concept would be to any pseudo-scientist allegedly probing the invisible, unobservable, unmeasurable mysteries of the human mind. 

What the old mountebank did was come up with a way, as science, to say "I know you are but what am I," something you may have heard someone say in second or third grade but by the time they were nine they probably had outgrown such tactics.

The real pathology involved in resorting to the word includes someone who has been accurately assessed being given an intellectually respectablized line to dismiss accurate criticism.  Thus it enables any jerk to dismiss any accurate critique.  It's pretty funny when a professional "critic" makes resort to it. 

Freud was, of course, superseded by other pseudo-scientists whose pseudo-science is science by the rule that whatever anyone can get scientists to let them call "science" is doing science no matter what a load of bull shit it is, and, there being a financial and so professional interest in a lot of overpaid mountebanks and other such dishonest interests (including judicial and legal ones, to go along with the academic ones) Freudianism, fraud that it is, is still with us and will likely live out most if not all of this century, too.  It should have died in the 1890s and when the old liar started publishing his crap.  

It's a holiday here in the U.States.  My experience is there's not much use in writing much on holidays, hardly the peak time for people reading blogs.  I hoping he hates the neologisms.  I hope he has a snit fit. 

Update:  I got my wish.  

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