Friday, September 10, 2021

Ashli Babbitt Got What She Knew Better Than Most That She Was Asking For

THE 1-6 TERRORIST who was shot when she was part of a mob trying to enter the House Chamber got exactly what she had every reason to know she was asking for by doing it.  She had been a member of the security forces in the Air Force, she of all of those thugs and goons, knew what a police officer whose job it was to hold that line would do to someone who came through it.  

She asked to get shot, she got shot, she died, she deserved what she got, as a result of that lives of innocent, intended victims of her mob were certainly saved.  

That such a criminal is the center of a fascist-gangster cult who is trying to use her totally justified killing to rally more fascist violence isn't any surprise, nor is it a surprise that the god-father of Trumpist Republican-fascism, the dictator of Russia, Putin, is using the dead thug that way is only proof of just how bad things became under the "free speech" regime of the Rehnquist and Roberts courts who paved the way for this with their permission of foreign as well as domestic gangsters to corrupt our politics using "the First Amendment" language to do so.

William Rehnquist was a minority voter suppresisonist when he was nominated to the Court, he having a record of doing that in Arizona, it was no shock when he worked to corrupt our elections on behalf of Republican-fascism, John Roberts furthered that along with the other Republican-fascists who opened up our politics to 19th century levels of corruption and even worse as they ignored the warnings that Citizens United would, in fact, make our elections vulnerable to foreign as well as domestic billionaire gangsters and thugs. 

The entire thing, from the low-level, tattooed, brain-dead thugs who stormed the capitol, their controllers in the Proud-Boys (why hasn't the terrorist racist Gavin McInnis been deported yet?) and Oath Keepers and other men whose response to ED is violent anger, up to the perfumed, well manicured law school and Supreme Court level is one thing all together.  The enablers of the Ashli Babbitt cult and, in fact, of that mob have as much guilt as she did.  It's no wonder they're hiding behind her name and image, coward boys that they are.  

If there is another attack on the Capitol or any state Capitols next week, I hope the police are as ready to meet it with the level of force justified.  I would not fault any of them for doing so.  I have less faith in the judges and "justices" doing their job in response, especially considering how permissive some of them have been to these terrorists. 

Ashli Babbitt died as a violent criminal, that's what she was.  If anything that someone like her and the other veterans and even in-service members of the military AND POLICE FORCES could take part in that proves, it is that the de-Nazification of the military and police is long, long, long overdue.

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