Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Who Was Jeffrey Clark Getting Help From Outside The Trump Regime As He Was Trying To Kill Democracy?

LISTENING TO SENATOR WHITEHOUSE from Joy Reid's show last night, my question is who OUTSIDE of the Trump regime was Jeffrey Clark in communication as he was conspiring with Trump regime figures to try to destroy American democracy.   I would like to know who inside the Federalist Society and elsewhere may have been advising him in how to blackmail and enable state officials to reinstall Trump, what things they did that might have worked, no matter what the actual vote was.  I'd be curious to know who some of the Supreme Court members were in communication with as that was going on.  Alito, especially.

This is dead serious.  And it should never be forgotten that just as the Bush v Gore five did, what the Trump criminals were doing was rigging the  anti-democratic Electoral College to make sure that the choice of the majority of the voters would not be president of the United States.  As long as the Electoral College is retained, it will be not only as dangerous as it has been throughout our history, it is guaranteed to be more dangerous as the enemies of democracy, the Republican-fascists now, others in the future, game it and rig it to destroy democracy.  I am confident that if we don't get rid of it it will lead either to the break up of the country as states with a majority of those who favor democracy are fed up with the states which have a majority who despise democracy insist on retaining the atrocious thing.  It is doubtful that short the democratic states coming up with a sufficiently strong means of forcing its abolition that it will lead to either fascism or the break up of the country. 

It is clear that anyone who argues in favor of retaining that dangerous booby trap in the Constitution is an enemy of democracy.  And they are all over the place, in the law, in government and, especially, in the media-promoted propagandists of the pundit class.

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