Tuesday, June 29, 2021

And More Hate Mail Answered

I CAN'T SAY that it is the best way to discern that a huge swath of college-credentialed culture is decadent that so many of them buy into the ideological demotion of minds that is an absolute imperative of their atheism, their materialism, their scientism but it has to be among the most absolute expressions of that decadence that they, in their lofty pursuit of the activity of their minds insist on that.

While it's obvious from their activity as well as their words that they certainly don't want anyone to take such claims seriously as they say what they do - CERTAINLY NOT IN REGARD TO THEM AND THEIR IDEOLOGICAL PREFERENCES WHICH ARE AS MUCH A PRODUCT OF THEIR SELF-DEBUNKED MINDS AS THE WORST OF RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL FANATICISM - their claims not only should but must be held to apply to them.   That their materialist-scientistic-atheist claims are totalizing in their claims, which flow out of an ideological monism far more confining than any reasoned belief in monotheism, means that they cannot be allowed to cut themselves and their ideology any leeway, if they do that or even insist that their own ideology doesn't fall into the same insignificance that they claim all other products of the demoted minds of humans do, then their own ideology has to be false.   It must degrade their own claims or it cannot be true.  The same is not true of monotheism in which there is real truth and real falseness, real right and real wrong, real importance with consequences to it attached and real insignificance which is foolishness of the sort that has so enthralled modern academia as atheism, materialism and scientism have become so common to it.  When people wonder how so many modernists were supporters of fascism, such local variants of that as Nazism, the Marxist cults which in reality have such similar results in oppression and violence and enormous body counts of those murdered by them found so many devotees among those with college credentials, that is the modern atheist equivalent to those who committed evil in the name of Christianity.   The difference is that those who committed evil in the name of that religion had to do so in violation of the teachings of Jesus, of Paul, or the others who wrote the scriptures of the New Testament, they also violated the Prophets and the Law of the Old Testament, the new fanatics who cling to materialism, atheism and scientism have no problem squaring their depravity with their amoral, depraved and ultimately anti-intellectual ideology.  Though I wouldn't hold that that form of integrity is any kind of a virtue in that case. 

It could be that the willingness of the college-credentialed world, the academic world to harbor those who supported Stalin or Mussolini, Hitler or Mao even as the world discovered their mass murders is a better clue as to the decadence of modernism as the concordat between Mussolini or Hitler and the Vatican is used to discredit the Catholic church.  Only the Vatican quickly realized that their diplomatic agreement with the Nazis their first year in power was not like the ones it made with older political regimes - as so many others quickly discovered that the Nazis, a modern political regime based in their understanding of biological science and without any notion of morality - was not like doing business with the Austrian Emperor or some 19th century monarch and the same Pope, Pius XI issued one of the earliest governmental condemnations of Nazism.   I would compare that to the notion common among college-credentialed folk these days that we MUST allow Nazis to have another bite at the apple under modern notions of free speech.  Thought I'd just throw that in as an example of current modernistic decadence of pretending there is no real distinction worth being really made among the products of human minds.   I would hold that any ideology that has the body count Nazism or Marxism has racked up has earned itself extinction not a right to free expression.  Like I said below, a summer drought makes me ornery.

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