Saturday, March 20, 2021

Let's Give This Senile Senior Judge What He Mistakenly Thinks He Wants

LIFE LONG Republican-fascist scumbag, Judge Laurence Silbermann had an 80s moment last week when he used a recent dissent to rail against the "liberal media"

"Two of the three most influential papers (at least historically), The New York Times and The Washington Post, are virtually Democratic Party broadsheets," Silberman, wrote. "And the news section of The Wall Street Journal leans in the same direction. The orientation of these three papers is followed by The Associated Press and most large papers across the country (such as the Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and Boston Globe). Nearly all television — network and cable — is a Democratic Party trumpet. Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along."

The 85-year-old Silberman,, who was appointed to the court in 1985 by President Ronald Reagan, then quoted former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev who argued that the media was trying to impose socialism.

"'When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn the development of some socialist country towards capitalism, it becomes not only a problem of the country concerned, but a common problem and concern of all socialist countries,' Leonid Brezhnev, Remarks to the Fifth Congress of the Polish United Workers' Party (Nov. 13, 1968)," Silberman, wrote. "Thus, one [sic] a country has turned communist, it can never be allowed to go back."


To which I say this coot is way out of step with his fellow Republican-fascists because if people could sue newspapers and media for lying about them, the biggest beneficiaries of it would be Democrats and liberals who are lied about with impunity, especially on the basis of NPR, The NYT, the WaPo, the Boston Globe . . . reporting what "people are saying" and as "opinion journalism". If Hillary Clinton could have sued the New York Times for carrying false reporting about her in the 1990s, she would have been president. If Al Gore, John Kerry, a host of Democratic candidates for other offices could have sued media that lied about them, if media could be prevented from lying about policies that Democrats favored, we would be in territory that Lyndon Johnson hoped for this country instead of the Nixonian, Reaganite, Trumpian hell hole we've been in.


It was one of the major turns in American right-wing politics when they realized that the suppression of publication that they had used to suppress smut (when they weren't profiting off of it, but Murdoch doesn't enter into till they let the smut king come here to turn the country into a toilet mouthed sewer) and to go after those most pathetic and ridiculous of paper tigers, the American commies, worked to suppress the right-wing lies that would be a boon for the Republican party. When they realized that the Sullivan Decision freed the media that was largely owned by Republicans and some wealthy families who stood to gain from Republican policies favoring the rich, any "liberals" among them easily intimidated from too much criticism by merely saying they weren't being fair to fascists and nice to Nazis they realized that far from being a problem for them, "free speech" and especially "free press" was their golden opportunity to directly destroy egalitarian democracy by feeding the public a steady diet of lies.

That is the reason that neo-fascists, neo-Nazis, Murdoch style media, the even more overtly Putin allied media are the biggest fattest champions of "free speech" EVEN TO THE EXTENT THAT WHEN MEDIA EXERCISE THEIR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS BY KICKING VIOLENCE ADVOCATING AND LYING FASCISTS OFF OF PRIVATELY OWNED MEDIA THAT THEY WHINE ABOUT BEING DEPRIVED OF THEIR "FREE SPEECH" TO EVEN INCITE INSURRECTION, USING ACLU STYLE "FREE SPEECH" BABBLE WHICH SUCKERS IN THE MEDIA FALL FOR.  Probable virtual Putin assert, Glenn Greenwald's act consists mostly of that these days. 

So, the senile old coot, after a lifetime of service to Republican-fascism is merely behind the times, thinking back to the time before Republicans made what was, perhaps, a more corrupt bargain that was perhaps even more profitable to them than the one they made with the Dixiecrats and America's indigenous form of Nazi style fascism, white supremacy and Jim Crow, the bargain they made with the smut peddlers and the ACLU to free them andtheir owned media to lie with impunity, knowing that the owners of the American media would lie for them and that they could whip the kind of "liberals" in the media into doing their bidding by whining and crying that they weren't being fair to them.  THAT is the history of the American free press in the era after the Sullivan Decision.  If you want to knock the legal knees out from that, including the Buckley v. Valeo, Citizens United, etc. decisions,  I can go along with that.  It's just that this senile Republican-fascist wouldn't like it if he really got what he wished for. 

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