Wednesday, March 17, 2021

I Am Mightily Pissed Off Over This And Will Always Be

LAST NIGHT'S Rachel Maddow show had these two excerpts from the Director of National Intelligence report on Putin interference in the 2020 election.  


A key element of Moscow's strategy this election cycle was its use of people linked to Russian intelligence to launder influence narratives including misleading or unsubstantiated allegations against President Biden-through US media organizations, US officials, and prominent US individuals, some of whom were close to former President Trump and his administration.


Derkach, Kilimnik, and their associates sought to use prominent US persons and media conduits to launder their narratives to US officials and audiences. These Russian proxies met with and provided materials to Trump administration-linked US persons to advocate for formal investigations; hired a US firm to petition US officials; and attempted to make contact with several senior US officials


Why aren't the "US media organizations" and "prominent US individuals" made public so we know how to judge their credibility on this or any other issues. What are the "media conduits to launder" Putin's narratives "to US officials and audiences." Who were the "US persons" Trump administration-linked WHAT WAS THE "US FIRM" HIRED TO PETITION US OFFICIALS"?


Any of those referred to in the report who acted in this way, were open to those sources of lies to be inserted not only into the Republican-fascist press but also directly into the United States government, the Congress, the Executive, who knows, into the Judicial branch - AFTERALL, IT WAS THE SUPREME COURT THROUGH THEIR "FREE SPEECH-FREE PRESS" RULINGS WHO OPENED US UP TO THIS ANTI-DEMOCRATIC CORRUPTION. All of that means that it isn't just the right of We The People to know the identity of those guilty of crimes against democracy, we have an absolute need to know who are active agents of foreign gangsters, including those in our domestic billionaire-millionare gangster class who worked hand in glove with the gangster dictator of Russia, those working for and with him in other countries, almost certainly such gangsters who have done what the Republican-fascists wanted to do here, gain absolute control of the United States government.  


I want this rubbed in the face of John Roberts, Alito, Thomas, etc. those who through the Republican-fascist dominated Supreme Court opened us up to this corruption, I want them to be forced out of power through their knowing or at least informed collusion with this effort. They were warned what they were doing in Citizens United and a series of other Republican-fascist-billionaire-millionaire enabling corruptions of our elections going back to Buckley v Valeo, on behalf of one of our more genteel fascist families and the goddamned ACLU who supported ALL of those rulings and others corrupting American demoracy.  



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