Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I Live On The Mental Image Of The Trumps Being Perp-Walked Preferably In Orange With Leg Irons

I read a piece that says that if Trump won't leave the White House, Biden will work from Blaine House.  I don't know if it's true or not but I certainly hope Biden and his administration consider the possibility that Trump and his gang of criminals allowed someone to bug the White House.   I wouldn't work from there on anything they didn't want known, though if they used the possibility to confuse our enemies, that might work.

I'd advise Joe Biden to take a lesson from Pope Francis when he opted to live modestly in an apartment and avoid working in that nest of intrigues, the Vatican. I'd find a bunch of offices somewhere which probably no one ever noticed before and work from there as much as possible.  I'd certainly have as many expert agencies go all over the White House and other places to find out if they've been bugged and I might not even trust it then.   A little paranoia isn't a mental illness, it's wise under the circumstances. 

If Trump wont' leave the White House, good, the easier to serve him with papers.  I'm hoping to see him perp-walked out in the traditional way of handling his type. 

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