Friday, January 8, 2021

I Have Never Meant This More Than I Do Now

Note:  If the Supreme Court or the Department of Justice holds that the Constitution gives the President the power to pardon his family nepotistically empowered by him through his position as president, his criminal associates in office and who put him in office and, indeed that it grants him the power to pardon himself for crimes he committed, they are saying that the Constitution is too dangerously stupid for us to continue to have it govern the United States.  That we have to wonder if they will say that it does contain that power means, at the very least, that it is dangerously badly written, proving they are just black-robed lawyer-liars of the Rudy Giuliani type, looking for privileges for the worst of the worst as long as those worst are ones they want to align themselves with.


The Roberts Supreme Court, its members, and I mean the Democratic appointees as well as the Republican-fascist ones, should know that their so-called judgements in response to the Trump crime spree, the crimes of the Trump mob, the family, the appointees, the lackeys, the billionaire and multi-millionaire funders of Nazism American Style* perhaps most of all the media that is the life blood of the monster will be held responsible for its fatal effect on egalitarian democracy or even the hardly equal democracy that we have now. The court should know that its actions in permitting the guilty to get away with everything up to and including murder will be noticed and will be called what it is, their enabling of the worst.

Republicans descent into being a fascist party, its descent into Trumpism was greatly accelerated by rulings made against the BI-PARTISAN! campaign finance reform with the revelation of the crimes of Nixon et al. It was in the name of "free speech" that the non-democratically selected branch of the government not only continued but accelerated the attack of the billionaires and millionaires on egalitarian democracy. Being clever, elite lawyers and law scribblers they used that most overused of idols of 1960s era "free speech" and, to a lesser extent "free press" weaponizing those idolized and superficially thought about items in the First Amendment to allow the corporate media,its owners, its advertisers to lie us into a series of ever worsening Republican administrations, ever weaker Democrats who didn't dare do anything much that was audaciously egalitarian or democratic, ever worsening Congresses, especially the handing of the Senate to multi-millionaire hobbyists and gangsters through that most effective weapon against egalitarian democracy suckering an effective majority of voters. The early use of computers by Republicans made their lie campaigns more effective through their exploitation of voter districts, gerrymandering and targeted propaganda. Suckering, once an art of advertisers and other hucksters was turned into something like a science. You can't get an accurate view of what the Supreme Court did, perhaps naively by the liberals of the Warren Court but with ever deadlier deliberateness in the Berger, Rehnquist and Roberts courts without taking the full context of how those liberties have been practiced.

It all started with permissions that the Supreme Court either found within the anti-democratic parts of the Constitution, parts which are never admitted were put there by the ancestors of today's Republican-fascists for the purpose of protecting slavery and accepted by the Northern business interests that profited mightily from the economics of slavery.  Those things in the only sometimes accurately named Bill or Rights are not not necessarily held to be self-evidently absolute when the so-called "Justices" wish to find exceptions to them are absolutized when they like the results of that assertion and held to not be so absolute, especially when that is to the disadvantage of those who might use them to assert their equality or when there are financial interests in the non-literal reading of them.   


As I have controversially asserted almost from the first time I posted a piece online,  American democracy is being killed by the legal permission given to the mass media to lie with impunity, a very popular permission made popular even with people who are the victims of those lies because it is very much in the interest of the media corporations and its employees to have carte blanch to tell any lie that is to their advantage or to their liking or, as has been so effective in Republican-fascist success, it appeals to the bigotry, the envy, the fear and the cowardice of something they can cobble together into an effective margin of victory by the worst of the worst more than a hundred fifty of which sit in the Congress of the United States and are unchanged by the insurrection mounted by Donald Trump on the Congress.  Matt Gaetz is emblematic of them but so is the majority of the Republican caucus of both houses.


Until we make it unambiguously a part of our Constitution and our law that lies have no rights, that liars are liable for the telling of lies, that media companies that carry lies deserve the death penalty, that judges and "justices" that enable facism have earned their expulsion from positions of judgement and that they will be answerable, you can just start ticking off the days when the successors of Trump will succeed in destroying this democracy.  If they do, my prayer is that my region will leave the United States that wish to continue to play chicken with fascism and that our new Constitution will be written by those who understand how it was the sloppily written Bill of Rights and the terrible slave-empowering rigged system of the Electoral College and the anti-democratically constituted Senate that led America to outright fascism from the real era of democracy which began, not in the 1776 that the Trump fascists were playing at reenacting, but the mid-1960s as the post-WWII Congress tried to overcome the Constitution with the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts, Medicare and Medicaid, Title 9, etc. The real era of American Democracy which has been lost due to the Supreme Court privileging lies and the billionaire fascists that would use those privileges to stop that progress toward Democracy in its tracks. 

Until the things that were used stupidly by liberals or with deliberate intention by Republicans to destroy egalitarian democracy are removed from or changed within the United States Constitution this will happen again and more quickly.  The fascists learn a lot faster than ACLU types do.  Those people never learn anything from witnessing what they have caused.

* We should stop lying about Ameircan history.  The genocide against the Native People of North America, slavery, other forms of homicidal racism and bigotry practiced by The Founders and, in fact, the white population of the United States is only honestly considered to be the same thing as Nazism. It is certain that among the genocides that inspired the Nazis was the genocide against the inhabitants of North America, especially as practiced in the United States.   That Nazi slogans were seen on the chests of Trump's insurrectionists is certainly proof that it is the same thing.

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