Friday, November 27, 2020

Safe In Their Alabaster Chambers The Supreme Court Wants You To Die For The "First Amendment"

The moral degeneracy of large numbers of the bishops and cardinals appointed during the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI are on full display in the New York case for allowing immoral, political hacks such as Timothy Dolan and the episcopal crew in Brooklyn who sued to have the right to conduct super-spreader events like that which has turned their congregations and those of numerous right-wing Protestant and Orthodox Jewish ones into death cults.

That Neil Gorsuch wrote the decision allowing this, after being fully informed as to the public health disaster it will be is fully to be expected from the guy who said a trucking company had the right to expect one of its employees to freeze to death to keep his job. He is the son of the degenerate and criminal who headed Reagan's proto-Trumpian attack at the EPA, Ann Gorsuch, moral degeneracy runs generations deep in his family.

As the estimable Charles Pierce has pointed out, the fascist five on the Supreme Court, including the recent unqualified "justice" put there by the Republican-fascists, Amy Coney Barrett, proved their ruling "on behalf of religious freedom" - look for that ass covering to be frequently resorted to on this court - was less in touch with both public health science and morality than what is encouraged by Good Pope Francis. I will point out that these "justices" protected not only by the physical plant and staff of the Supreme Court BUT ALSO BY THEIR RECENT PRACTICE OF CONDUCTING SESSIONS BY VIDEO are absolute hypocrites in this. They will permit for thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions to be irresponsibly, ammorally exposed to serious communicable illness and death what they, for themselves, would never accept.

The moral degeneracy of the American legal system has no better proof than this court's conduct, its rulings and the abysmal pantomime of the confirmation of its last three members. It was a farce before that as the likes of Alito and Roberts lied all during their confirmation, something every single informed person listening to it knew, not to mention Clarence Thomas's perjury when his propensity to sexually harrass women who worked under him was exposed. It is a moral atrocity that no one should tolerate continuing as it has. When it comes to the Supreme Court, we may as well be in 1933 if not 1858, I suspect that earlier date will become ever more relevant as this court continues to repeal the 20th and 19th century on the basis of "originalism". As I said, maybe we should provide the "originalists" with 18th century medical care, they obviously choose to have the country die under a regime before a knowledge of how viral diseases are spread was known. 


The Supreme Court should never be able to make such decisions except, possibly, on a unanimous basis.  The tyranny of five right-wing, scientifically ignorant legal hacks has to come to an end. 

1 comment:

  1. I’d have to review the relevant Constitutional provisions and case law, but it occurs to me Congress does have the power to limit the Court’s jurisdiction to some degree (some of that jurisdiction is written into Artil III, but this isn’t).
