Saturday, November 28, 2020

According To The Supreme Court Idiology In Service To Political Power Swamps Morality As Well As Science Not To Mention Fresh Experience Of Consequences

Haven't had time yet to look at all of what Neil Gorsuch and the other Republican-fascists in the majority on the putrid, disastrous Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo and Agudath Israel v. Cuomo decision said but I have been looking into the background of the outfits that brought the case.  

The Archdiocese of Brooklyn and its allies such as the putrid Cardinal Timothy Dolan can little stand to lose many parish priests to the disease, the average age of your typical priest is well past the age of retirement, the age cohort most likely to die or suffer permanent serious consequences of contracting Covid-19.   I'll be really frank and saying that this is a bunch of corrupt clerics politicizing this issue to promote Republican-fascism - Dolan explicitly endorsed Trump getting a second term - even as they and their colleagues have a decades long history of trying to get judicial immunity from prosecution in the sex abuse scandal.

Agudath Israel entered the case because it was the anti-scientific behavior of concentrations of extreme Orthodox communities holding super-spreader events, creating hot-spots in the largest city in the country last spring that led to Governor Cuomo doing the moral and responsible thing, putting restrictions on such events.  I have to say that even though my opinion of the Heredi cults of Orthodoxy was already rather low (with some exceptions) this has brought it to levels I'd previously reserved for as-seen-on-TV pentacostalism, fascist-Protestant sects and Catholic neo-integralism.  

One of the victims of that Orthodox super-spreader events was the late Rabbi Yaakov Perlow who shortly before contracting the disease, which would kill him, said that Jewish law required them to take medical advice seriously, whether it was in regard to a single sick person or on the highest of high holy days.  

"We cannot behave the way we did last week or two weeks ago. We're told that the halakha is that we must listen to doctors, whether it's about a sick person or Yom Kippur"

But he's dead and it's clear the politicians and lawyers figured they'd make this into a Supreme Court case worthy of the worst of Trump's or Republican-fascist governors'.  

In the mean time, seeing atheist assholes trying to turn this into a "Freedom From Religion" opportunity "Tax the churches", etc. all over the comment threads are about as helpful as the asshole lawyers and politicians and political hacks in the Brooklyn Diocese or the Heredi cults  are to public health.   

The Supreme Court should take full heat for the consequences of this ruling, it should result in the forced overturn of the tyranny of 5 conservative legal hacks over the entire rest of government and honesty.  Amy Coney Barrett's putting the totally extra-Constitutional Marbury decision out of reach for revisiting may be something that her colleagues on courts might agree with, it's nothing that the branches of government which are elected and so, to some extent, answerable to The People need to put beyond rejection with fuller knowledge of its consequences becoming apparent.

Those quotes from the ruling I have read are a style book for writing dishonest sophistry of the kind that has seriously deadly consequences.  That does, though, point to how such ideologically motivated religious orientations hold nothing as too sacred or important to not try to turn it into a weapon in promoting their unstated ideologies.  Ideology is what the "enlightenment" swapped out for religion.   It's ironic how deeply it took that it even swamps morality in religious sects and cults.

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