Monday, November 23, 2020

Have The Courage To Admit What Will Have To Be Done To Protect Us From the Murdochs, The Limbaughs and the Trumps They Of The Fascist Media Bring To Power



You'll notice that every example that Chris Hayes gives for the source of the lies that he gives the dangerously polite name to is the same, electronic media, FOX, Limbaugh, the Murdoch operations, and most tellingly, a monster created by TV and the mass media, Trump.

In the face of him seeing the problem clearly he declares at the end of this very good presentation of the source of the real and present danger to egalitarian democracy, the idea of representative and elective democracy and life on Earth, itself, he says he doesn't know that solution to what it is that created this disaster in the English speaking world - it's hardly confined to English speakers but we are among the worst of the worst, Russians at least have the excuse for never having had anything like a democracy of that kind.

Well, the obvious solution is to make it a capital crime for media corporations to lie, something that will get their licenses to broadcast or be distributed electronically pulled, permanently and those responsible banned from ever having anything to do with a media company ever again. As even Hayes notes, this is a matter of life and death, not irrationally suspected of being a matter of the extinction of the human species, certainly, as we are seeing in the United States producing a climbing number of deaths, already rapidly climbing to at least a half a million killed by Trumpery, FOX, the Republican-fascist party and the lies they have spread to the susceptible population.

This isn't a matter of us eternally answering the dishonest question that is designed to shut down consideration "where's the evidence," which when answered only generates the claim that the evidence is bogus or inconclusive. The thing that the tobacco lawyers relied on to cover up the known fact that tobacco is a deadly, addictive substance. The evidence is all around us and grows in verification ever more and yet that dishonest lawyer-liar tactic and the fear of being blackballed or silenced by the conventional "first amendment" absolutist conformity will always keep us, the side that accepts fact, the truth, the findings of legitimate science, the product of rigorous consideration of those, stooped in a pose of impotent indecision.

The dangers of acting on behalf of the truth that allows us to have the potential of freedom and doing to others what we would have them do unto us that allows freedom to exist as a common good instead of a malignant libertarianism, the dangers that we may fail are real. But not trying is a guarantee of us suffering what failing to act with due consideration and courage is a guarantee to produce at least as bad and likely much worse. This is as much a lack of courage as it is a lack of the respect for the truth of those susceptible to the Republican-fascist, Murdochian swindle that those who believe in democracy have suffered. And some of the worst of those setting us up have been alleged members of the left, especially those with an ideological attraction to anti-democratic ideologies and the idiotic idea that the truth is not knowable. Like most of the intellectual poses of that kind, it is a self-impeaching stand because it has to pretend to be an exception to its general principle. We've been suckers for it for too long.

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