Friday, October 2, 2020

Reforming The Corrupt Billionaire Rigged Tax System Won't Go Anywhere Unless The Thing That Enables It To Happen Is Changed


Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Katie Porter do a great job of quickly going over a small part of the most outrageous part of the small part of Donald Trump's crookedness that we now know and they are right about him being only a now public figure in the florid corruption and graft and what should be criminal gift our system is for the billionaires and millionaires and even the incompetent failed ones among them.  

And they are right about the need for Democrats to change things to end the corruption but without addressing how the Supreme Court has weaponized money to prevent democratic change in the United States, through the Buckley v. Valeo ruling, making money "speech" that can't be restricted in elections, and in the even worse rulings coming after that which give corporations such "speech rights" including, lest anyone forget, foreign money, any attempt to fix things will be swamped in the media, the cabloids, hate-talk-radio, etc. and Democrats will lose on their attempt to clean up things.

We got here through the Supreme Court WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF "CIVIL LIBERTIES" GROUPS LIKE THE ACLU rigging the words of the Constitution to produce the massive corruption.  They did so using the attempt of both Democrats and, unlikely as it seems now, Republicans to clean up our elections as excuses to rig things for the billionaires and millionaires, starting in 1976 with a ruling named for one of the most famous names in Republican-fascism, "Buckley". I remember years and years ago one of the things that changed my thinking from the ACLU slogans to where I am today was hearing James Buckley's more famous brother slamming the concept of equality as an infringement on his and his ilk's liberty.  It was shortly after I heard him say that that the ACLU represented the Nazis in the Skokie case, winning the rights for Nazis, in the late 1970s to rally to terrorize Holocaust survivors in Skokie, Illinois.  I remember hearing one of the ACLU crowd pooh-poohing the danger of "it happening here" which even then struck me as insane given our history of domestic fascism, Jim Crow, the KKK, etc.  You know, the same people whose children and grand-children are showing up to incite violence in Portland and elsewhere.   Funny, I don't think the ACLU lawyers who write those briefs are putting their own asses on the lines to oppose them as they go from the words encouraging the susceptible into doing what they want to do to doing them.   I have to admit I rather despise the ACLU and that style of lawyer.

Without getting the role of money out of our politics that even Republicans in the immediate post-Watergate period knew was dangerous, without getting rid of not only those rulings but the ideological smokescreen that covers up the advantage of corruption that comes with that kind of "free speech" absolutism and the Supreme Court created abomination of "corporate person-hood"  even the great Warren and Porter can try to change things with all their might and the billionaire gangsters money will swamp them through the Supreme Court probably with the ACLU writing amicus briefs to help the billionaires on the basis of their "civil liberties". 

Democrats who have to run for office know the kind of high financed lie campaigns they will face if they really try to change things.  Trying to get the kind of money that Nixon weaponized in politics out of it was prevented by the Supreme Court, and that's when its members were mostly just too stupid to understand what would come with the corruption they unsuspectingly sowed.  The ones on the court now know it and they favor it and its extension and perpetuation as a means of destroying democracy and its future existence.

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