Sunday, October 11, 2020

On HoldingThe Families And Private LIves Of Supreme Court Nominees Are Out Of Bounds

Amy Coney Barrett as a judge and as a "justice" would be ready to turn her thinking into the force of law or the nullification of duly enacted laws that would have an effect on the most intimate aspects of our families, our family members, us. 

Nothing in her personal life, no, not even the aspects of that dealing with her children can be held to be off limits in asking her to say how her thinking will be steered around what will cause them to be TREATED AS LESS THAN FULLY HUMAN WITH FULL HUMAN RIGHTS. She is asking for a lifetime appointment to the court where she would have no real bounds in having a profound impact on other peoples children, who we all are. She will certainly write decisions that treat other people, other peoples' children as unprotected so they can be treated as less than fully human with full human rights. Women who will be deprived of the full ownership and self-determination in regard to their bodies, their equal rights in every area, LGBTQ people who she will, I have little doubt, vote to deny full equality as her fellow Republican-fascist thugs Alito and Thomas laid the ground for in a recent dissent.

Her rulings will certainly have an effect on whether Black children, especially those who are originally from other countries will be treated, will be allowed to be treated by police, by other officials, by businesses and the government. I have no doubt that her rulings may well lead Haitians who are not adopted by well off judges, "justices" to be deprived of their rights and, or, deported.   

It's time to drop the white glove and high-buttoned shoe poses that these appointees who make binding legal decisions, overturning the hardest fought for, hardest won measures of equality, especially when they have announced their intentions of taking those away for people unlike themselves and those closest to them. 

My bringing up the "original intent" of men who opposed the liberation of Black Haitian slaves, the independence of the Republic of Haiti and made that the law of the land, cementing their "original intent" in the most obvious and least ambiguous way is entirely appropriate considering all of the above and much more that could be said about it. The man who appointed her said the country from which her two adopted children are from is a "shit hole country" because he obviously considers them shit.  She should be asked about that and required to go on record as she prepares to put that into policy for him.

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