Monday, March 2, 2020

There's nothing to lose in losing the guaranteed losers.

Yesterday the play-lefty podcaster Sam Seder posted a bit slamming Elizabeth Warren just as the assholes at the Young-Turks-Majority-Report pretend-o-sphere have been doing on behalf of their daddy issues cult god, Bernie Sanders to which I said:

Anthony McCarthy
1 hour ago
Enjoy whining for the next five years under Trump, Sam, you and your crew are doing so much to make that possible.  The real left has got to build a left that leaves you behind.  You are proving that the play-left can go for not only for decades and generations but centuries of self-defeating let's pretend.

And I just got a notice someone has answered. 

Ben Dover
10 minutes ago
Yeah let’s leave all the Criticism of the candidates for trump in the general. Do you think if a candidate cant take critiques through a primary that will go away or get better during a general when you’re facing someone you’re running against from an opposing party?!?!?!? Helllllloooooooooo

Anthony McCarthy
35 seconds ago
@Ben Dover  Oh, just go soak your head.  The play-left of whom the Majority Report crew, middle-to-upper class, white, college credentialed, etc. are quintessential specimens, helped put Trump, Bush II,  Reagan and Nixon in the presidency.  They are a liability that the only left that will ever gain power to make laws that make real lives better has, at long last, got to kick out and keep out.   They cost us entirely more than they can credibly claim to bring to the fight.   Elizabeth Warren being sandbagged by them is the last time that  ever is allowed to happen.   There's nothing to lose in losing the guaranteed losers.

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