Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hate Mail - You Dissed St "Steven" Hawking!

Gee, if I'd known that comparing Hawking to a cake decorator would get that kind of response I'd have done it when he was alive.  I just threw it off, thinking of an area of expertise far removed from being a competent electrician but in some ways, considering the claims of Hawking, comparing theoretical physics of his type to cake decorating isn't absurd, 

 I'd think given his faith in literally every possible universe that could be dreamed up having the same scientific validity of those a speculative cosmologist could dream up and write up in equations that balanced, it's not far fetched to think of of those infinities of universes in which  cake-decorators drew universes that were taken as being as valid as the one we can study with scientific method.  Hawking literally proposed scrapping scientific method in favor of his kind of neo-scholastic speculation in his next to the last book which some reviewers suspect his co-author of having written.  Maybe it's the fever talking but that sort of reminds me of the last time the highly infirm Benedict XVI was in the news for being ill-used by one of the sleaziest of Cardinals around and his sketchy secretary, Bishop Georgeous Georg [who used to be the prettiest bishop I've ever seen].  But I digress.

The analogy was apt.  Atheist super-heroes who slam philosophy as they ignorantly spout philosophically and who slam theology having never read any are incompetent to make that kind of commentary.  It is my experience of reading people of similar fame within theology who dare to engage on scientific topics that they do their homework, atheist scientists seldom have, they figure their superiority due to their scienciness exempts them from knowing what they're talking about.  Given their faith in multi-verse conjecture of the most absurd kind - "Many worlds" still has scientific adherents - it doesn't surprise me.  Though when I first read about it I already couldn't believe any serious scientist could take it seriously.  But,. then, I hadn't had enough experience with the decadence of atheist polemics [you haven't looked it up, yet, have you].  That kind of atheist science is totally decadent and has been for a good long time. 

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