Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Stupid Mail

I wonder when the last time Donald Trump spent an Easter morning going to church was, now many of the past fifty Easters he set foot inside a church.  If forced to guess, I'd guess none.  Perhaps he made an appearance for political purposes, he certainly wouldn't make one for any religious purpose, he's a Mammonist, he serves Mammon, not God.   He may have seen something like a full church for Easter in a movie or TV show but that's probably the extent of his experience of Easter in church.

Donald Trump's Easter is more likely all about eating chocolate and peeps and having a prostitute dressed in bunny ears pop out of an egg or something.  

Using his "christianity" which is about as real as his hair is to slam Christainity is not productive and it is counter-productive if it puts him on the side of the major religion of the American voters.  Though I doubt any of them are stupid enough to fall for either Trump or the ephemeral anti-"xian" kicks over Trump's assinine fantasy of filled churches which will disappear before next Monday.  

Update:  Is "xian" still a thing? 

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