Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bernie Sanders Is Responsible For The Worst Of His Cult's Republican Welcomed Crap

Bernies Bots are promoting a claim that three decades ago Joe Biden pressed a female staffer against the wall and digitally penetrated her vagina and once such a story is floated in Bernie-World, it never goes away.   I can almost guarantee you that if Bernie is confronted over this he will disclaim any responsibility for it and may even discourage it but he is all-in on it because as long as he keeps his vanity campaign going his true-believing bots will continue to generate Republican-fascist campaign spam.  

I very strongly doubt the claim, and that is having criticized Biden's way out of date habits of handling women, something which is way too 70s when psychologists, credentialed and As Seen on TV were telling everyone they should touch other people.  I think that's where Joe Biden probably got into the habit and like all male geezers, once a habit is established, they find it virtually impossible to change it. 

The part about him penetrating a woman digitally, I find rather difficult to believe without a number of other women making the same charge.  I don't believe it, to tell you the truth, Joe Biden is many things I don't like, he's no Donald Trump. 

It doesn't much matter if Sanders disowns it, even if the accuser retracted the accusation,  it doesn't matter at this point because the damage has been done, as I pointed out, once this stuff is being floated on Bernie media, media frequted by members of The Squad, other big name Bernie supporters, it won't ever stop being repeated.  They remind me of the John Birchers of my youth who, decades after he'd died, continually spouted similar stories about FDR. 

This is Bernie's doing, him, his wife, his vile campaign manager, the other campaign money grifters who encouraged him to do again for Trump what he did for him in 2016.

This is what you can always depend on the quasi-Marxist-Marxist play-left to do because they were doing it to FDR, running against him in elections all during the depression, propagandizing against him for preparing for war with the Nazis and Japanese Imperial fascists during the period of the Hitler-Stalin pact.   They told stories similar to the ones told by the Birchers mentioned above, with some variation.  They have against every single Democrat who has ever held the presidency.  

We have got to put together a real American left that can win elections, get majorities and change things and we will never do so effectively until that dead hand of the Marxists and their dupes is removed from it.  We have to definitively, publicly and repeatedly exclude them BECAUSE THEY NEVER LEARN ANYTHING AND THEY ARE ALWAYS DUPLICITOUS BACK STABBERS.  ALWAYS!

Since Marx and Engels produced their pseudo-scientific political economic theories the Marxists have believed that it was a scientifically validated inevitability that Marxism would prevail.  That is a continuing delusion of Marxists even in the period when one after another Marxist dominated country threw it off and has not in the past thirty years tried to get it back.  That accounts for why they, in such numbers, the Marxists and those who are under their influence cannot believe that The Voters could reject Bernie Sanders and that there must be some imaginary conspiracy that has cheated him of victory.  That deep dark conspiracy is called "an election" Sanders' strength last time was in turning out his true believers in the most anti-demoratic part of the nominations process, in caucuses.   He did far worse this time than he did before because the caucuses were not as many and because a lot of people sensibly knew he was not going to ever be president.  

That true belief is the generator of imagined conspiracies and dark forces that the Bernie Bots are still claiming are afoot, depriving a life-long non-Democrat, someties anti-Democrat from winning the nomination of a party which he was never really a member of as opposed to life long Democrats running for that nomination against him.  And his opponent getting far more votes in far more states.  That's what you're always going to get from the play left, be it Bernie Sanders or Ralph Nader or Eugene McCarthy who is their temporary cult figure.  That's all you'll get, that and electoral defeat.   We owe them nothing. 

Sanders loses credibility every day he continues his campaign.  If Biden died from Covid-19, a wish I've see expressed by the Bernie Bots onlline, Sanders should be rejected as the nominee because of his status as a fake Democrat and for his behavior.  I would accept any of the real Democrats who were in the race, those who got delegates, those who didn't with the exception of the Billionaires and Tulsi Gabbard who is a fake Democrat, as well.  But I'm not expecting that to happen.  If I were forced to vote for Sanders at this point, I'd have to hold my breath so long it would probably kill me.

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