Monday, January 13, 2020

Post Script

I have documented here and elsewhere for more than a decade that neo-Nazis in the current resurgence of neo-Nazism have embraced Darwinism, by name and even among those who are official Darwin haters, by their actions and claims.  I verified it in the man who wrote the neo-Nazi book which is noted to be the second most popular Nazi book after Mein Kampf,  William L. Pierce.  I noted it the other day in a current "alt-right" blogger and, within the past few weeks as asserted by those at VDARE.  

More than a century after the Darwinist biologist Vernon Kellogg warned that the scientists in the German military establishment based their military goals on what he called "neo-Darwinism" - by which I would imagine he meant the growing trend in Darwinism to accept a genetic basis of inheritance - which the Nazis immediately after the war adopted and made the basis of their eugenic-genocide program, finding inspiration in the independent English language eugenics movement and its program of scientific racism, it's high time to attack it at the root.  Which is what I do whenever this comes up.

Natural selection is an ideology based in the most vicious forms of class interest and racism and it will always - for as long as it is a believed ideology in science - produce what it has been producing for its entire existence.  It can't be made safe,  its founding motivation guarantees that. 

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