Friday, December 13, 2019

Thoughts About The Disaster In Britland

The Brits have now proven they're no better than the United States, giving the criminal idiot, Boris Johnson a  huge majority.

I absolutely hope this leads to Scotland and Northern Ireland leaving the UK and forming a Celtic confederation with the Republic of Ireland, with real, democratic representation for all members of it. 

I hope it leads, immediately to the fall of the idiot Jeremy Corbyn, the worst Labour leader in the history of that party.   He and his Marxist-lite idiot supporters deserve the full measure of blame they deserve in this disaster.

I hope it leads to the BBC being seen for what is is in terms of politics, the supporter of the ingrained British oligarchy, the British class system that, no matter how much the margins of it may change, with the help of the traditional British gutter media, it still has the English people, by and large, totally duped just as they have been since Tutor times.   Remember that the next time PBS here has on one of their costume dramas presenting the rich and super-rich in such ludicrously romantic terms that it is essentially a Disney princess movie for idiot Americans. 

It would be too much for the idiot American play-left who adored the crap out of Jeremy Corbyn because, you know, he's a "socialist" will hear a wake up call in this,  I'm not expecting the British left will wake up to understand the disaster that the Marxists have been for them.   I'm hoping that the clear headed Celts will understand that as long as they have the British class system, on one hand, and the idiot Marxists on the other hand, holding the down, they will never get out from under the control of these people.   I hope they dump the British monarchy while they're at it.  

I would hope that, getting back to the BBC's role in pushing this - and it has - that we all learn something about the role that media free to lie and propagandize plays in destroying democracy, they can't be trusted with a license to lie.  

I'm not expecting it to happen, but I'm expecting with the disaster that will come from Brexit,  the Scots might start the break up.  I'm hoping that this Queen will be the last monarch of the UK.  I'm hoping it goes. 

In my wildest fantasies, I'd like to see Wales tell the English to screw themselves, too.  I might feel some sympathy for Brits who are not in the majority, the British poor, but they don't dump the British class system.  They could, they're the victims of the British media, in the end, just as Americans are here. 

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