Sunday, December 8, 2019

David Frum Can Bite Me

As I'm typing this David Frum is on the CBC's Sunday Edition with, I believe, Gillian Findlay, talking about what a big mistake it is for Democrats to impeach Trump, predicting it will empower him when the Republican-fascists fail to remove him.   Among the totally annoying and baseless claims being made - the typical ones made in the American media about how everything Democrats do is inevitably bound to fail, it's what the media does - Frum claims that what the three honest law professors said to the House Judiciary Committee last week was too complex and confusing for the idiot American People. 

I'm so sick and tired of the conceited snobs of the media's condescending view of the great unwashed masses whose minds are so largely the product of what the goddamned media puts in them.   David Frum - as his dear old mum, the right wing CBC personality, Barbara Frum* - has been a part of the media his entire working career, as have most of the other media people who hold the general population in such conceited, condescending contempt.   If The People are ignorant, it's because they have failed to inform them.  If they are distracted, it is because the media companies they work for distract them, if they're connable, it is because the media companies - all of which are part of the advertising industry - have trained them to be conned, selling their time, their attention, their ears and eyes to con men of exactly the kind I wrote about below.  

There is no one in the media who condescends to The People who are not to blame if The People are dupes who are conned and who buy lies sold to them.  If I ever heard one of them say those things within reach, they'd feel my fist in their condescending mouth.  

*  The slag pooh-poohed the misogynist nature of the largest incident of mass murder in Canadian history, the École Polytechnique massacre, despite the murderer targeting women and proclaiming that he was killing them because he hated women.  

The day after, the late Barbara Frum, one of Canada's most respected journalists, refused to admit that the massacre was indeed an act of violence toward women. "Why do we diminish it by suggesting that it was an act against just one group?" Frum said Dec. 7, 1989 on CBC's The Journal.

Such is the respect for even the hardest of reality in the profession of journalism. In case you're wondering where David Frum gets it from.  I suppose, since she was born in the U. S. we deserve to get her son back here. 

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