Saturday, December 14, 2019

McConnell's Stated Intention To Rig The Trial For Trump Means He Can't Be Exonerated By The Senate etc.

Anyone who has both a working mind and pretends that there is any way for Trump to be legitimately acquitted in the upcoming Senate trial on his impeachment is lying through their, no doubt, Republican teeth. 

Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, etc. if they don't call for Mitch (Putin's Bitch) McConnell to be taken from a leadership position in the trial that he has already said he intends to throw in collusion with the Trump regime, which, of course, they won't, they are buying the fixed trial that Mitch (Putin's Bitch) McConnell has announced he intends to mount. 

Yes, Susan Collins, in this, in her role in maintaining Mitch McConnell in his position leading the Senate is exposing what she's always been, a Republican apparatchik, enabling the worst of them - occasionally, when it wouldn't mean anything, making a show of "moderation" so she and the Republican media in Maine can pretend she's better than HER PARTY AND THEIRS.

Mitch McConnell is bragging on FOX that he intends to throw the trial for Trump, so there is no way that this trial, THIS REPUBLICAN CAUCUS IN THE SENATE, cannot stand as legitimate because of their not only exposed but admitted corruption, even extending to corrupting the only thing that confers legitimacy, an honest election by The People, who have not been lied to.

That last part is the media's part in this.  Apparently a well thought of New York Times reporter has written, documenting the long history of corruption of Rudy Giuliani* to which I say, why wasn't the "free press" exposing that corruption to get him out of office if not to prevent him being there.  I have no doubt that them not liking having a Black mayor of New York had no little bit to do with that. 

When the history of this is written, if they don't note the primary role that the "free press" freed to lie by the New York Times, Joel Gora, the ACLU and other "civil liberties" entities and the court under Earl Warren giving the media a carte blanche to lie with impunity, it will be a lie, the overarching lie, the lie that opened the door for all of the Republican and ever increasingly corrupt, Republican-fascist rule that we now have. Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and now Trump.  It's not as if you couldn't see that coming in that line of Republicans.  If you don't think that has everything to do with the wealth of the owners, the wealth of the on-air personalities, the writers, etc, you are as big a chump as my fellow Mainers who have bought Susan Collins' act and the cover up for decades.

*  For the liar who trolls me, my little town has had bad guys in leadership before, but it was never as bad as Giuliani and it was not a product of the media that covers us lying and covering up for him.  New York City is a moral cess pool, it has been for a long, long time.  The New York City media is the primary engine of corruption there as the media throughout the country now is.

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