Monday, October 14, 2019

Against my typical practice, I will guarantee you that Trump's betrayal of the Kurds at the request of Edrogan was a result of Trump being offered something of value to do it.  Flattery might have gotten him far on that road but it would have taken something of value being offered, a real-estate deal is most likely, getting them to gin up lies about his political opponents a close second in what was most likely involved. 

Which of his associates visited Turkey or has associations with gangsters around Erdogan?  That will likely tell you the nature of the quid Erdogan bought himself a carte blanche to commit genocide with. 

The powers behind Erdogan should be given an ultimatum, get rid of him or get out of "the West".  They should make good on the empty words of Trump, a gangster government's weakest point is the money.  That's why Trump went to his empty threat, which everyone knows he'd never have the balls to do.  Especially against a fellow gangster he's stupidly given evidence to. 

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