Friday, March 8, 2019

T. S. Ellis Should Live Out The Rest Of His Life Knowing His Name Will Be Synonymous With Judicial Bias For The Privileged

Judge T. S. Ellis deserves to be the face of judicial unjustice in the United States, first there was his obvious class and likely partisan bias in favor of a criminal rich, white Republican during the trial which should have been enough to disqualify him to sit in judgement of anyone.  Then there is his ridiculously light sentencing of a serious felon who was not only unremorseful but continued in breaking the law, witness tampering, etc.  Ellis went light on a rich, white male Republican EVEN AS HE BROKE THE LAW UNDER A PLEA AGREEMENT! 

The arrogance and injustice of so many judges isn't something that should be regarded as acceptable, especially as, in what we're hearing about the history of this Reagan judge, he has a habit of going soft on white, white-collar criminals.  It is disgusting that there is no effective means of getting unjust-judges off of the bench and kicked out of the profession of the law.  

The judiciary is as corrupt a branch of government as we've got and unlike those who can be voted out of office, in the federal judiciary and in many state systems, bad judges such as Ellis will be on the bench till they retire or die.  Of course that reaches its nadir on the Supreme Court which has been the major venue of inequality and corruption in our system.  It's time to, among other things, put a term limit on the time that all judges can be judges, it is disgusting that someone as bad as Ellis can remain on the bench for decades.  For every good judge, for every great justice there is a bad one and in the law, their evil accumulates into precedent  and habits.   

It's time for us and the media to stop treating such awful judges with deference,  T. S. Ellis should be used by those who favor equality to attack judicial wrongdoing in its worst aspects.  His history of rulings and behavior on the bench should be looked at very closely.  HE should now experience consequences based on his behavior during this trial and other trials that earned him the reputation as a judge who goes easy on rich, white-collar criminals. 


For context on Manafort’s 47 months in prison, my client yesterday was offered 36-72 months in prison for stealing $100 worth of quarters from a residential laundry room.

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