Friday, January 4, 2019

Already Feeling Cleaner In The New Year

I have given up trying to clean out the Spam file of this blog.  The program that does that allows you to delete 100 spam messages at a time.  I've done it over and over again and I'm still not out of the backlog for 2018.  Looking at them, most of them are old hate-mail that was too stupid and useless for me to do anything else with but junk them.  A few were attempts at scams, probably less than 1%.  I do know that when I decided that I'd moderate comments because I didn't want this to turn into the kind of open comment food-fight that those usually turn into AND THAT I WOULD NOT KNOWINGLY CARRY LIES TOLD ABOUT NAMED PEOPLE I didn't realize what a high percentage of comments that would turn out to be.  I wish I'd just deleted those.  I wonder where they reside.  Will they ever disappear or will they always be there in a way that could be opened and read?   I do know I've given up trying to empty it out.  I must have deleted a couple of thousand of those people have tried to post since last March.   The ones I read were mostly just stupid stuff, the stuff from "the left" as stupid as the stuff from the right.  I think stupid people probably lie more.  It's a symptom of stupidity.


  1. Telling lies is so much easier than thinking.

    1. Reality is a challenge because it's real. My realizing that the idiocy of content neutrality in free speech absolutism would inevitably favor liars was a huge step out of the futility of secular-lefty orthodoxy.
