Monday, December 31, 2018

Why The Left Of The Future Will Be Religious Or It Will Flop

As good an example as I can think of, off hand, to show how some Evangelicals have learned and thought and grown in ways that I've seldom seen secular lefties grow,  you could listen to the two male hosts of The Bible For Normal People talking with the Womanist theologian Wil Gafney

A lot of what she and Peter Enns and Jared Byas talk about at the very beginning about how the ways in which different theologians read the Bible is necessary to understanding what it means and that that kind of reading is necessary for reading other things and coming to more than a limited, partial, inadequate reading from one perspective is enormously important.  History is only one area in which taking multiple points of view into account is essential.  Economics is certainly another.  Even science, in the 20th century has had to deal with that reality as opposed to the mythical monolithic "objective" hard truth superficial people believe science produces.  

I would trust a left that came out of these peoples' engagement with the Bible more than I would any secular materialist orthodoxy up to and including Marx.  Which basic framing is more likely to inspire people to change, one which comes from the idea that we are all beloved creatures of God or one that says we're all just collections of molecules who have an illusion of consciousness and free will but whose ever action is a pure and temporary result of the recombination of atoms and molecules determined before we were born and which will just continue after our illusory consciousness has ended?   

I will put my bets on the Bible readers as the left of the future.  Some of them are already way ahead of the secularists. 

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