I heard while sitting at my brother's yesterday evening something that points out the danger of the pseudo-historical idiocy of Hamilton, the musical, On Ari Melber's show last night Republican-fascist hack lawyer Guy Lewis humorously cited the musical to point out that Alexander Hamilton's view of the presidency has a lot more in common with Donald Trump's imperial view of it than Lin Manuel-Miranda and the idiots who like to recite and jiggle around to the cast recording would ever like anyone to know, to more than just imply that Donald Trump should be above the law as applied by the courts. He was seriously arguing that the president, certainly in his case a Republican-fascist president not a Democratic one, should be above the law.
It's not a huge point in itself but it does point out the danger of the cult of the Founders as some kinds of gods or at least prophets whose words should trump the aspirations of the people who the Founders kept in slavery, disadvantaged economically and otherwise robbed in perpetuity just because those slaver-holders and crooks said so.
It should be a rule of life that everything that happens in musicals is taken as escapist make believe, not to be taken as anything you should base anything on in real life. If I had the power to do so, I'd ban the use of real historical figures and events from musicals because it's obvious that even college-credentialed people don't seem to be able to navigate the difference between show-biz bull-shit make believe and actual history. That's something I learned from interacting with college-credentialed people online. A big part of why I don't generally use the term "college-educated" anymore because people like that aren't educated no matter how many letters you put after their names. It's pretty discouraging. If you want to know how discouraging, look at how many people who graduated from college voted for Trump and the Republican-fascists.
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