Thursday, October 4, 2018

Stupid Mail - Oh, You Didn't Like What I Said About Norm Midge and Their Asshole Son, Let Me Elaborate

The New York City neo-cons were mostly Jewish atheist play-lefties who went to City College or some place like Cornel or Columbia who were generally stylish  Trotskyites instead of their rivals, the Stalinists of the Communist Party.  When Trotsky got the ice axe and they realized their guy wasn't going to regain power in the Soviet Union (where I have no doubt he'd have rivaled Stalin in murdering and other forms of oppression) they cut bait and went American fascist - after Hitler had been safely disposed of.   Part of it was graduating and, like so many college age play-lefties, "growing up" and going right.

Some of the Stalinists did, too, but the definitive neo-cons are the lower end of the God That Failed phenomenon as they realized their guys weren't going to get them anything they went with the fascists who had a chance of getting them money or something like power or what they really wanted, to be published and paid attention to.  Being materialists and snobs they, like materialists and snobs in general, have no use for democracy.

Their second and third generations just took over the family business, they're all-American fascists generally with the typical American fascist racism and other bigotries, as far as I'm concerned.  A lot of them like the idea of Israel but not enough to have ever put their own sweet fat in harms way, preferring others do that so they can write about it while their fat asses are safely on North America.  There are lots of "liberal" (really neo-liberal) Zionists who are marginally different from them.  As recently as the 1980s a lot of them were the intellectual wing of gay-haters - as read in magazines like The New Republican and Commentary.   That is until their kiddies and grandkiddies started coming out.

Update:  If I'd meant it to be serious I'd have been more accurate with the chronology, I wrote it to piss off the troll.

Update 2:  No, I got over Gore Vidal a long, long time ago.  He wasn't a great writer, he wrote for a moment, not even for the ages.  I doubt much of anyone reads him anymore.   He might as well have been a blogger, though I'd rather read Digby.

Update 3:  I thought Simps would get pissed off over this but what got him in a lather is me wondering if he's really a good buddy with Lewis Black.   He apparently is claiming to have been at Lewis's wedding as if I should know that.  Well, I'm not claiming to have been there, how would I know?   Either way?


  1. "Well, I'm not claiming to have been there, how would I know? Either way? "

    Well, that's your M.O. Sparky. Talking about things you know less than nothing about.

    1. You are the one who made the claim that he was your good buddy, Stupy, all I did was wonder if that was true. I know only several things for sure about you, Supes, one is that you lie constantly, two, you're a name-dropper with illusions of grandeur, three, you're pretty stupid, only knowing how to repeat bromides, slogans and buzzwords.

  2. It certainly lowers my opinion of Lewis Black.

    1. Could have been a mix-up in the guest list, mixing up who not to invite with who to invite. Or it could be a lie. I'd want pictures that didn't look photo-shopped.

      I wonder if he wore his beret.
