Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It Was Way Way Back To July 10 That I Had To Explain This To One Of The Brite Lites of Duncan's Brain Trust

I have to ask, is it immoral for me to continue to brawl with someone as incredibly stupid as Stupy?   This was just part of tonight's brawl as seen on the comment thread immediately below this one.  UPDATE:  It just occured to me that Simels is exhibiting exactly the same kind of behavior that Bob Woodward described in Trump when he was totally resistant to his highest level administration members pointing out reality - even numerical reality in such things as the percentage of trade cases found in favor of the U.S. - against Trump's long held, fervently believed but totally bonkers beliefs.  I guess it really is a characteristic not uncommon to those of the NYC area.  Even mathematics can't make a dent in such stupidity

steve simelsSeptember 12, 2018 at 8:40 PM
Says the guy who thinks the boro of Queens can't be more diverse than the rest of New York City because Queens is in New York City.


The Thought CriminalSeptember 12, 2018 at 8:46 PM
I knew you wouldn't understand that when I explained it to you using elementary set theory. You must have been in remedial math from 7th - 12th grade. A subset of a universal set might be AS diverse as the universal set but it can't be more diverse than the universal set because any element contained in the subset is also an element of the universal set. And all it would take is one member of the universal set that wasn't contained in the subset for it to be more diverse than the subset. Of course, it, to some extent, would depend on how you defined that because anyone who didn't live in Queens but lived in NYC would have the characteristic of not being a resident of Queens. You cold come up with numerous definitions that would work that way to defeat your idiotic belief.

steve simelsSeptember 12, 2018 at 8:53 PM
Queens is a separate entity from New York City. You're a blithering fucking idiot. It's quite amazing.

The Thought CriminalSeptember 12, 2018 at 8:56 PM
This is rich, me having to explain to you AGAIN [for the second time in one summer] that Queens is one of the boroughs of New York City, it is a part of New York City. I know you figure it's the hub of the universe but even Boston's most parochial class gave up that absurd notion about that city a long time ago.

Your parents must have found the most idiotic of "progressive schools" to send their special needs child to. I'd just have gotten rid of the TV.

steve simelsSeptember 12, 2018 at 8:59 PM
Nobody can be that stupid unless they're doing a performance art piece.

The Thought CriminalSeptember 12, 2018 at 9:08 PM
If you were always this stupid, Stupy, you would have to be considered feeble minded.

Try this list of the members of the City Council of New York City in which #19 through 32 are listed as from Queens.

I don't know if it's stupidity or just what I've pointed out so recently that everything you say is a lie, including "and" everything you just pull out of your butt.

Go tell your fellow Eschatots about this exchange, Stupy, I'd love to see them failing to support your idiocy and love even more to see them trying to support it.

Imagine that, me, a hick from the woods of Maine and I know more about the political system of New York City than an ass who thinks he's a big City wise guy.


  1. It's so Trumpian I expected a declaration the FEMA effort in Puerto Rico was an unsung success.

  2. Shorter Sparky —New Jersey can’t be more or less anything than the East Coast because it’s on the East Coast.

    1. Shorter Simps, I'm too stupid to understand that New Jersey can't ever be more than the east coast because it is a small part of the east coast. For that reason it can't help but be anything but less than "the east coast". Neither can Maine, by the way, idiot, it's just anyone here who said what you did would be considered an especially stupid parochial numbskull.

      I'm guessing you were always this stupid. I do have to say that I don't respect BG for remaining attached to you anymore than I respect Melania. You're a drop in the ocean of Trumpian depravity but it's the same ocean.
