Friday, September 21, 2018

"Himpathy" My Word For The Day

Before  reading about the lawsuit of the "free-speech" champion, whiny-assed cry-baby-boy-man, Jordan Peterson against Kate Manne for pointing out the misogyny of his bloviation, just now,  I hadn't known the wonderfully useful word she coined, "himpathy" which is defined as, "the disproportionate sympathy our society extends towards men". 

If there was ever a week when we can see himpathy on display, it's this one in which so much has been lavished on Brett Kavanaugh as opposed to the woman who has made a credible accusation that he tried to rape her when she was 15.  That himpathy leads even those who seem to assume that he and his buddy probably did try to rape her to whine about how what he did and, they must assume, he is lying about now will ruin his privileged, rich, white male life and reputation.  And they have no problem with her being destroyed to save him from his own actions and lies. 

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