Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Cooky" Is The New Mop Heads

Image result for cooky


  1. And this was published when?

    As opposed to this?

    1. According to the listing at Amazon, 2002 and still in print.

      You do know, Simps, that there are "cookie" wrappers with that spelling older than that so, if I'm catching your drifting and diminishing thinking, that would mean that spelling is wrong, too. Oh, and, yeah, the "Cookie Monster" spelling is older than that, too.

      It's so funny, the tiny little wrongs that can get a big fat bold iconoclast like you to get his pinafore in a knot. Especially when those "wrongs" aren't wrongs but merely alternative spellings. The screwy scruples of the puerile purveyors of peer-group propriety, the kind of people who get worked up over Veblen's ultimate example of "futile classicism" due, not to it's being a moral failing but merely an indication that they couldn't develop their ultimate and ersatz virtue, fulfilling the requirements of having attained the habits of conspicuous waste.

    2. Alternative spellings. Like Kellyanne Conway's alternative facts.

      Got it.

    3. BTW, Sparkles, did you know that back in the 60s I was in a very cool rock group called The Thorstein Veblen Blues Band? True story.

    4. No, more like how numerous dictionaries document. Though someone as stupid as you wouldn't be able to navigate two meanings of the word "alternative," one being its real meaning, the other being what you'd understand more because it was created by a lying skank.

    5. A. when you say, "true story," it only makes it more likely to be a lie, your "true" has more to do with Trumps "true" or, as Colbert coined, "truthiness".

      Why do I guess they're about as kewel as Ultimate Spinach?

    6. Sweet Jeebus -- all those crappy Bosstown Sound Boston bands sucked. With the possible exception of Chameleon Church, because Chevy Chase was a terrific Jimmy Smith-style Hammond B-3 player.

      But you know as much about that as you know about Ultimate Spinach. Fuck, or even as you know about the Beatles. :-)

    7. Good grief, Stupy, I listened to Boston radio stations back during that period, I knew Ultimate Spinach sucked before their first album was released, well before you ever heard of them. "Chameleon Church?" Terrific Hammond B-3 player? Geesh, you do have no taste.

      By the way, you misspelled Chamaeleon Church.

    8. Now, there's your problem, Simps, I don't mind people spelling words different ways, it doesn't offend my tender sensibilities because, among other reasons, I've read lots and lots of old texts by great authors who would spell the same word different ways in the very same text. And I know almost no one lives a conventionally spotless life in spelling even those words which don't have variant spellings and I know the difference between a sin and an offense against snobbery. And I'd never judge a person solely on such superficial and unimportant matters.

      And I know even if the spelling thing didn't get to you, you're still a douchebag snob of the type who will always be counterproductive to the left.

    9. And you still misspelled "Chamaeleon Church".

  2. The fucking Cookie Monster, you moron.

    Give it up.

    1. Wow, not only did you glean erudition from cooky packaging, but you watched Sesame Street, too? The higher learning at Duncan's Brain Trust, where it's all Don't Bee, all the time.

  3. Your friends won't tell you (assuming you have any, which I doubt) but I will --

    Stop embarrassing yourself.

    1. Oh, but my friends enjoy it when I embarrass you, the ass who put the "ass" in "embarrass".

      Why would I be embarrassed about knowing how to use a dictionary to do that to you?

  4. Replies
    1. You think the other Eschatots are your buddies? Ha!

      I've got something you don't have the self discipline to understand, real friendships
