Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Things I'd Really Like To Know Before I Die #47

Why is Alan Dershowitz spouting such a load of bull shit in defense of Trump?    Is he being blackmailed?  Is he under orders from some foreign government?  Is he farther along in his senility than Trump?  Is he so hard up for getting his snotty, sour puss on cable TV that he'll say literally anything to get on FOX?  

His latest line of shit is so stupid and so obviously wrong that even if his brain has largely atrophied and died it would be hard to explain it. 



  1. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else. He told Slate so. Of course, he said he's more "objective." But that's because he's not dumb enough to brag about how smart he is; so he bragged about how "objective" he is.

    Same difference.

    1. What he is is a bigger blowhard than many. And he's somewhat adept at personal PR though he gets the Harvard bonus in that as well as the "civil liberties lawyer (when he's not being the opposite, as when he advocates torture)" bonus and others, including the "colorful personality (remarkably similar to Trump's brand of that)" bonus.

      He's more a symptom of intellectual and moral decadence than he is much of anything else. I have had someone suggest to me that the accusations made against him might have something to do with this - thus my wondering about blackmail.

      Whatever it is, he's scum as far as I'm concerned. He reminds me of the putrid Baruch Korff, who should have been deported for his terrorist and fascist ties, before he became Nixon's Rabbi. He got the "colorful figure" bonus as well as the "defending an indefensible Republican-fascist president" bonus.

  2. Funny how defending a fascist is always socially acceptable, but defending a leftist is always for fringe figures.
