Thursday, December 7, 2017

Hate Mail - Not Surprised, Not Interested

I'm not interested.  I'm not surprised that Duncan would mix up the distinct categories of the Apocrypha and apocryphal gospels, while claiming he knows more about it than most evangelical Christians.   He's a snob as are his regulars. 

I don't think that kind of snobbery is helpful, while a lot of evangelicals are ignorant, so are a lot of college credentialed atheists.   While I disagree with evangelicals a lot, their scholarship is often quite good.  


  1. Shot in the dark: guessing somebody saw the Newsweek article about the new manuscript for Secret James. The news was the manuscript, not the content. We've had the text since Nag Hammadi.

    1. Duncan did mention the "Gospel of James" in what they sent me.

      I'm real impressed at how well they taught him to do research at Brown and the other big name schools he went to.
