Friday, December 8, 2017

American Liberalism In The Age Of Lies And Why They Are Only Able To Surrender

If yesterday was the stupidest day in American politics or not is debatable, that it was among the stupidest is not.   We will soon know if the bet that Democratic Senators who hounded one of the best of them out of office paid off, that Leanne Tweeden and Stephanie Kemplin* et al were not part of a Republican ratfucking op  and I doubt it will show they bet well.   The huge pending if of whether or not this will inspire Alabama voters to reject a serial child molester in favor of a prosecutor who took on the Klan and got a measure of justice for four young girls who they murdered.... We'll see.  As we will also see if, on the other end of the country Minnesota will be able to produce someone even nearly as good at being a Senator as Al Franken has been. That is, I'm afraid to say it, an even less sure thing.

I understand full well what happened, Democrats were responding to the double standard that means cable TV, these days primarily FOX and CNN but also hate-talk radio, the internet and the print media up to and including the New York Times, will turn any Democrat with the treatment they gave to Richard Jewell in which no lie or lying speculation will be too baseless to not air.  That is what all that free speechy, free pressy stuff has bought the American left, not the wet dream of the Marxists who developed it expecting that it would lead to Americans being suckered into voting them into power.  It means that normal moderate to moderately liberal Democrats hold office under a reign of gossip and that it has turned too many of them into cowards.  That none of them seems to have faced the reality that Joel Gora and the ACLU played us for suckers with that stuff doesn't seem to be sinking in, not even a little bit.

But, in the Age of Lies which the media did, in fact, create, with the help of the legal theorists and Judicial branch of government, we now have the spectacle of idiot dauphins such as Donald Trump JR. creating privileges to prevent his law breaking being exposed by congressional committees and, most repulsively of all, the women whose lies on behalf of Republican-fascism makes Sean Spicer to be merely the court jester of little white lies,  Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to fucking gall, in her full Arkansas white person persona, her Southern Strategy Republican-ness to lecture John Lewis about the true meaning of the Civil Rights Movement which her kind were on the wielding side of clubs, dogs, horses, guns and ropes as they attacked and murdered peaceful protesters who were fighting against the kind of lies that the Joel Goras and ACLU were not under attack as the filed briefs and made arguments before courts to allow for other white people in the media.

The use of the Civil Rights movement in their efforts on behalf of paying media barons and freeing the mass media to lie will have to wait for another day.  It's a longer argument than I'm prepared to make right now.

Liberals have been idiots to fall for this stuff that has led to their serial defeats.  In this Civil War, they've stuck with McClellan who can only think of letting the slave power win as a strategy.

*  Yeah, there's a photo of the incident of waist grabbing that she ratfucked Al Franken with, too and she looks real traumatized in it.   Just how high can a waist claimed to be?

Image result for Stephanie Kemplin

Update:  I haven't been looking at a lot of news the past 24 hours, apparently the estimable Charles Pierce was thinking along similar lines.

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